Many are called. Few are chosen.
Really and yet you can not answer a simple question: Do you agree with that Watchtower I mentioned.
by freyd 28 Replies latest jw friends
Many are called. Few are chosen.
Really and yet you can not answer a simple question: Do you agree with that Watchtower I mentioned.
I know you can not answer. To answer yes would to admit Russell was wrong along. To answer no would betray your support for Russell. I understand actually. Better to avoid the answer and live in a wonder land where everything is right according to your understanding of Russell. Pick and chose what you want to believe what the Pastor taught.
Great quote jgnat! Thanks!
Freyd welcome!
In addition to going to the Bible Students Convention, do me a favor and save up your money and take a trip to Israel. Travel to the Dead Sea and look across at the desolate area surrounded by mountains and caves, climb Masada where the small band of 900 zealots held off the Romans for a long time before finally comitting suicide. Visit Jerusalem and lay your hands on the stones from the remaining Western Wall that dates from the Jewish second temple and the time of King Herod. Go to the mount of Megiddo which is the symbolic site of Armeggedon and look far off into the valley in all directions. Immerse yourself in the history of the area. These places exist. The history is real.
Then reread Russels interpretation of Revelation which according to him was written 2000 years ago to describe events happening in the late 1800's in America and all those new fangled inventions such as the steam engine and locomotive. This is the fantasy world of an eccentric pyramidologist.
I'm afraid Freyd was not prepared for this kind of scrutiny. Most believers of absolute truth believe there is no question to their truth. No one else could possibly be aware of our absoulte truth. And yet there is a multitude that are aware. The mere rays of daylight shined upon their so called truth reveals it for what it is. It crumbles under the weight of scrutiny. Ask RR. Perhaps you Freyd can ask RR. Many questions have been asked of him and yet like you can not answer. I wonder why.
I hear you zeroday. When I read excerpts from Russels interpretation of Revelation to my lifelong witness MIL. First she said no way. Then when she read it herself and saw how rdiculous it was, she laughed and said don't pay attention to it, just concentrate on the bible.
Nobody's called. Nobody's chosen. Deal with it.
Jan. 19 of 2005 he posted this:
Reminds me of my old congregation. You wouldn't believe it. For starters they had three PO's in three years.
Something odd going on here? Or did he change his beliefs so quickly?
Maybe not. I see he was in for 15 years. Why don't people backup their beliefs? Another hit and run.
I've got a headache and am going to bed. Night all.
If Russell was right and since he died and everything has been corrupted since he died, then the world must ask this question..."What has Jesus been doing for the last 90 years then?" Perhaps he is struggling to ressurect Russell from under that heavy pagan pyramid of his for the past 90 years!