Ask a Question you didn't dare ask an elder because of fear of being DF'd?

by JH 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • lola28

    why are you looking at my boobs? You have no idea how many thimes I wanted to ask one particular elder this.


  • Finally-Free

    Why is it ok to protect pedophiles but persecute men for having facial hair?


  • Gill

    Why was Elder X not DF'd for committing adultery, but lowly single sister Y was for fornication?

    Why are you all so bloody stupid?

    What's so good about being a window cleaner?

    Why go out on FS in the week days when people are usually only in in the evenings?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Trev asked our po a question just before the last meeting he ever attended that baffled him (not difficult, I can assure you). It was:

    "When are you having the operation reversed"?

    Trev always contended that this guy must have had a charisma bypass operation at birth, and word eventually got back to him, but he still didn't understand the question until the schhol overseer explained it to him, after he'd stopped laughing. I imagine Trev might have got counselled for that, but he didn't intend going to any more meetings after that, so he figured he could say what he liked.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Ask a Question you didn't dare ask an elder because of fear of being DF'd?

    Was I supposed to be 'afraid of those bastards'? Maybe that's why they would never promote me to elder, huh?

    I always asked them whatever I wanted to ask - they always hated me for it, but never DF'd me till I started being an evil apostate.


  • SPAZnik

    LOL clam

  • under_believer

    Do you really believe you are a "glorious one?"

    How easy is it for you to sit on judicial committees when you know what Romans 2:1-3 says?

    Matthew 23:1-12 seems to call into question your entire existence. What dishonest way have you found to interpret that scripture that allows you to function on a daily basis?


    Um........I've read your file and I was wondering.......


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