The Tribal Nature of Jehovah's Witnesses

by unclebruce 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce


    It seems to me a common misconception amongst ex- Jehovah’s Witnesses is that there will one day be an issue arises so big that it will pull the rug from under the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society bringing the whole edifice crumbling down. Revelations come and go, apostates jump from one hope to another. Expose’ after expose’ fail to cause more than a ripple on the tranquil JW pond. Hard won revelations from Rutherford’s admiration of Hitler and sexual corruption to the Society’s false prophesies, fraudulent scholarship and UN links have little effect on the loyalty of the average zombified witness.

    One reason for this is the damage and information control employed by the Society to keep the flockin’ dubs inline. For me though the main reason these hopes are constantly dashed is that they’re based on a faulty understanding of the Watchtower beast. They fail to address the key underlying strength supporting fortress Watchtower. The Watchtower religion is tribal. It attracts people rejected and with low self esteem. People who don’t imagine themselves worthy of forgiveness by grace let alone good enough to attain heavenly glory.

    The hope of paradise regained generally appeals to people later in life when they feel lonely and as if they aren’t about to accomplish anything with their lives. And, with the taking part in politics, education, socializing, sport and the like being outlawed, their new found Kingdom Hall culture isn’t about to give them or their offspring the tools to gain confidence and social standing. So the more one is incultated in ‘the truth’ the more socially isolated one becomes. As one is ‘encouraged to socialize’ with ones own small group, ones loyalty becomes localized and tribal. Fear, hope, snobbery and the JW class system being but some of the glues that bind.

    When called before a Judicial Committee there is rarely anything but one sin and, unless one is groveling contrite, one outcome. The great sin the vast majority of JW’s are disfellowshiped and shunned for is that of being ‘disloyal to the Society’. No amount of trying to reason will save you once the tribe has spoken. Judicial Comitee meetings are rarely anything but a final indignity, just a formality.. you’ve been disloyal, you’re not wanted, please extinguish your torch, the tribe has spoken.

    The Tribalism of JW world is something that's been rattling about at the back of my mind for some time now. Yur thoughts would be much appreciated. Am I barking mad / up the wrong tree or what?


  • katiekitten
    The hope of paradise regained generally appeals to people later in life when they feel lonely and as if they aren’t about to accomplish anything with their lives

    Do you know, I hadnt thought about it like that before, but im sure thats partly why churches are full of mainly old people (that and the fact that new recruits are hard come by so the population ages).

    I agree its a very close tribe. I think thats an essential part of a cult - keep your members in and everyone else firmly out. Create an US and THEM climate from which you can then breed fear like a virus in a petri dish.

    I agree too about anyone different being effectively removed, either by making them feel so unwelcome the leave or by actively removing them. Its like a pack of rats turning on a rat whose tail is too short or too long or has a marking the other rats dont have. Pack behaviour for sure.

  • lowden
    Judicial Comitee meetings are rarely anything but a final indignity, just a formality.. you’ve been disloyal, you’re not wanted, please extinguish your torch, the tribe has spoken.

    I like that Bruce. Bloody good that lad.

    Good thread.



  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good post, unclebruce.

    I don't think you're barking up the wrong tree at all. It is the herd mentality of the majority of jws that ensures the many scandals that have emerged out of jw land in the last few years don't have the devastating effect on the 'tower that us apostates hope it will have.

    You almost have to admire the skill of the wts regarding information control. I remember the BBC Panorama programme on child abuse from a few years ago. We receive advance warning that it was full of apostate lies, so the majority of us didn't watch it, and I imagine they used the same tactics whenever and wherever more of these programmes were broadcast. The scandals can only be damaging if the dubs hear about them, and they are so much part of the herd that if the wts says "don't read that" or "don't watch this", than most dubs comply.

    People have left, of course, and will continue to leave, but I think, because of the tribal nature of jws, the tower will gradually be eroded rather than suffer a sudden collapse.


  • deeskis

    G'day Unc

    It attracts people rejected and with low self esteem. People who don’t imagine themselves worthy of forgiveness by grace let alone good enough to attain heavenly glory.

    Not sure I agree with that, sure some people will have low self esteem, I think it attracts people who are looking for something, something more in their life, low or high self esteem

    Fear, hope, snobbery and the JW class system being but some of the glues that bind

    I can identify with all of the above, snobbery over how how much you/family has done in the org compared to others, snobbery over being a jw and thus superior to other false religions, but those things are often the glue that makes the whole thing come unstuck.

    their new found Kingdom Hall culture isn’t about to give them or their offspring the tools to gain confidence and social standing.

    Being born and raised witnesses I feel that the culture did foster self confidence, it was only later when I questioned things that I felt let down and betrayed and that gave my confidence a battering.

    Anyway deep breath, and repeating my mantra from Kath and Kim.........."just let it go Kath, just let it go"..........always works a treat for me!

  • purplesofa
    Am I barking mad / up the wrong tree or what?

    I think the answer is what........its a sound observation to me.

    It attracts people rejected and with low self esteem.

    The hook is though, that God is looking for thet ones sighing and crying over the detestable things going on. When going D2D and calling on the same people, they say maybe the persons circumstances have changed. A tragedy of some sort so that they will listen to the truth.

    Good thread,


  • fokyc

    g'day Uncle Bruce,

    Thank's very much for the info., I have been wondering for some time what they could bring charges against me for, now I know and can be prepared!

    The Criminal trial has been postponed until February 19th 2007 so I still have some breathing space and thinking time, check my profile if you don't understand!

    Good game yesterday, a draw. Today is England v New Zealand at Twickers.


  • Outaservice

    A lot don't leave until..................'their own ox gets gored'...............and then, and then only do they maybe begin to 'think'!

    Psychology books attest to the 'Group, Herd, Pack,' thoughts of controlled people and their various ways to keep them in line. The Watchtower does this very well.

    But, the God factor can change that when 'Light' exposes some of the darkness. Eph. 5:13-14.


  • freedomloverr

    I can't believe you posted this topic because I've had almost the exact same thoughts in my head for awhile now. I've been reading this book called "Anatomy of the Spirit" and it goes through the different chakras and what they mean.

    The first chakra is the "tribal chakra." It made me realize how much our tribal influence can damage us if it's a toxic environment. The author talks about the powerful feeling to be in a group of peole or a family with whom you feel spiritually, emotionally, and physically comfortable. These unions empower us and energetically enhance our personal power. We by nature unite, to create.

    We all know the pain that ensues when we challenge the tribal beliefs of a toxic group. In toxic tribal groups there isn't well defined personal responsibility. You usually have taken on the groups mentality to ensure your place in the tribe. These tribes do not have you take personal responsibility for the attitudes the tribe has instilled. ex. shunning. we all know how *wrong* and *toxic* it feels to our energy to shun yet we were told that was the tribes pattern - so we did it. What happens though is spiritually consicous adults can reach a point where they no longer can utilize the tribal reasoning. They have to grow or they stagnate.

    I do agree unclebruce about why the wt will not fall overnight. It's the emotional energy that it's misguided members pour into it that make it a rock of toxic might and strength. until all humans can take over their personal responsibility then we will always have warped tribal patterns.

  • unclebruce

    Thanks for your imput folks,

    I know there is much more to the tribalism of JW's than the generalisations I made above (re: recruitment and disfellowshiping). Indoctrination by repetition, information control, loading the language, numerous personal fears and keeping the sheep busy all play a role in locking people in but at the same time our fight is with people who simply don't want to change. I think the big thing we can take heart in is the way the internet has exposed the truth about the truth to anyone curious about it from householder to diehard dub.


    I'll check your profile fokyc

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