You wrote: "Am I barking mad / up the wrong tree or what?"I'd guess both, and I'm treed and barking right beside ya, but your post is right on. The reason information won't phase a Witness, is that they aren't in because of information, they're Witness members in spite of the existing bad information. More bad information won't get them to leave.
My dad told me he's known of bad information and dishonest Witnesses for years . . . he's a Witness because he likes being a Witness. He likes the regimen of meetings, service, study, assemblies, and dressing in a suit and tie and wearing a coat in the summer.
Most witnesses I know only walk if they have a social setback. Disfellowshipping is one example of a social setback. Consistently not being included in social activities is another.
The group I was in was a large group. We saw the 1975 promotion and subsequent denial of the 1975 promotion.
The Tribal Nature of Jehovah's Witnesses
by unclebruce 23 Replies latest jw friends
I think one difference between the JWs and any real tribe is that the group dynamics and structure are largely independent from, and heterogeneous to, each other. It's not like a living organism developing its own skeleton and defence systems as it grows, rather a plant growing along an alien structure and being shaped by it (albeit sometimes twisting it) as it grows. What gives life to the whole has little to do with the WTBTS organisation and set of beliefs. Yet it would not stand without it as it derives its imaginary identity from it. I wondered if entire congregations have ever severed themselves from the WTBTS and its foreign rules and survived as a social group on their own (even for some time).
JWs are a wonderful study case in heteronomy. The local group who shuns a df'd person has not developed the shunning practice as a means of self-defence, as a tribe might. They are applying a foreign rule, issued by people who have done nothing for them except providing them with an imaginary identity (and exacting a lot in return).
This idea is consistent w the part of the bible that the wt emphasises, the ot. The ot is totally tribal, us and them, we are better, we are chosen, any that turn against our group must die, etc. The nt is much more open, by comparison, as is reflected by the two main branches of christianity.
I'm afraid you're right.
Good post, UB. The "low self esteem" part, I'm not so sure about...Many JWs are pretty cocky, if you ask me! Many that now come in are not the dregs of society as in times past. So many JWs are just plain dumbly idealistic, hopeful, patient dummies who refuse to look at the real world that they live in and prefer to deal in the abstract. I know some "intelligent" Witnesses that feel pretty good about themselves except that they choose to believe in the unbelievable, the unreasonable. It makes them feel good to endure persecution, refuse a blood transfusion, wear a tie and suit on a hot summer day......But they WANT to believe that God will reward them for what they give up. From what I can see, this "tribalism" has been going on since the beginning of Christianity.
I agree, Unclebruce!
They're all nuts!
Like the dodos in 'Ice Age'.
All speaking in unison, with one voice, spouting the same BS!
So funny!
I'm so embarrassed I used to be that way too!
Come to think of it is really quite tribal and primitive at that
I don't know about tribal but I think definately a cult . They don't have charismatic leaders but it's all about control , when the money gets low it's do more , when the members numbers start dwindling they losen some restrictions and try to get df'd ones back to the group. They use guilt trips and use a system of reprimands . People with power or money are excused from alot of it . I'm sure many can add to that list.
G'day Uncle Bruce!
As I read your post I was doing the famous "head nod" - you couldn't have said it better.
The only question I have is this. You had said:
The great sin the vast majority of JW’s are disfellowshiped and shunned for is that of being ‘disloyal to the Society’
I'm not disagreeing as I wouldn't be surprised, but did you have a statistic or something?
I agree that the rug will not be pulled.
Look how hard it was to stop Hitler. One lunatic.
JWs are led by 12.