If I experienced a supernatural event I SHOULDN'T be able to convince anyone, as if the event was supernatural then it would not be recorded in an unambiguous fashion or repeatable, because it was SUPERnatural.
If I DID experience a supernatural event I WOULD be able to convince some people, as per Barnum, even though there would be no way for them to determine if I was mistaken, mentaly ill, fraudulent or telling it like it actually was.
If I did not experience a supernatural event but CLAIMED I did, or that someone else did I WOULD still be able to convince some people, as per Barnum, even though there would be no way for them to determine if I was mistaken, mentally ill, fraudulent or telling it like it actually was.
What seems to happen in these kind of discussions is this; supernatural event E gets spoken of;
- Some people say 'E has happened to me'. We will call this group A.
- Others say 'I believe that E could happen'. We will call this group B.
- Others say 'no one has yet proved in a scientifically respectable fashion that E could happen or has happened'. We will call this group C.
Group A feel that group C are saying group A lies. This is untrue. Group C is saying that group A could be lying, mentally ill, mistaken or otherwise unable to prove in a scientifically respectable fashion that E could happen or has happened.
Group A then enters various arguments, like 'E is not measurable or provable with current technologies'. This typically makes group C point out something along the lines of 'you can observe the effect of gravity and could do prior to Newtonian physics, let alone modern Quantum Mechanics, why is the EFFECT of E not demonstrable in a scientifically respectable fashion'. The different paradigms; the experiential paradigm of the supernaturalists or the evidential paradigm of the skeptics, essentially make the claims and evidences offered by group A totally unsatisfactory for group C, and the evidential demands of group C irrelvent to group A.
If I had had a premonition it would be hard to pursuade me otherwise. But I haven't and no one has ever proved in a scientifically respectable fashion that they have had one.
I to have a problem with people who will spend their life disproving it, in a almost "I can not get it to work, so I will ruin it for others" fashion.
If it IS real, how can someone saying it isn't real 'spoil it for others'? You can tell me you don't believe in sex or alcohol. My enjoyment of sex or alcohol will not be diminished one iota by your disbelief. Anyway, why do you want people of a differing opinion to be silenced?
I have seen and felt amazing things, believe in the spirit realm, the after life, spirit, energy and a like.
Yes, and so what? Millions of people have made such claims over history, and many of such experiences are not compatable with yours. Is the paranormal what you WANT it to be, so everyone is right? Like a after-life smorgasboard; "I'll have Valhalla please!" Or were are THEY wrong? Or are YOU wrong? Or all you ALL wrong?
I have issues with people who want to disprove them to me. As I never asked them too, or for their information, they just seem so angry and hell bent frustrated about it, that they explode on the issue.
First of all if you don't present your claims for approval or validation they don't get criticised. If you do enter them into lay in a discussion board they will get DISCUSSED. Doh!
If you cannot PROVE what you claim then why should people's reaction towards your claims be any less critical than their reaction towards someone asking for belief in some un-orthadox get-rich scheme they cannot prove?
Not me, I am calm about it, live with it and live by it each and every day. I do not try to convert anyone to a thinking, but I enjoy talking with people who enjoy the subject.
Great for you; do so. If you want discussion in an uncritical environment then you need to seek a forum where this is possible. In a forum such as this it is unreasonable for you to expect uncritical acceptence of all claims - as it wouldn't just be your claims we'd have to be uncritical of.
It would be the claims of Nessie humters, the UFO-spotters, the 9/11 Conspiracists, Jehovah's Witnesses... if one accepts the idea of uncritical acceptence of all claims then we'd also have to be uncritical about NAMBLA and Holocaust Denial!
At the same time, I am very private about it and do not share it with most people. I have seen to many "head exploders" which is what I call skeptics who freak out on the subject and get hostile. Acting as if I am in some sort of proof war with them, where they lay their thoughts out and I am suppose to counter. Most of the time, if I see a thought is heading that way, I ignore them. That is the wonderful part to boards, and the Internet, you can read what you want and leave the rest behind.
If you are asserting something is possible or something happened that defies logic or known phenomena, even if you personally are the most honest person in the known Universe it is perfectly reasonable for people to ask for proof of your claims. Why?
Because if you WERE the most honest person in the Universe you would STILL be making claims exactly like other less honest people in the Universe. It's not as though the less honest people tell you if they lie, is it?
We can't just take your word for it, although I am sure you can find places where you can find people who will just take your word for it.
You also seem to feel that your opinion of what happens to you and why it happens to you is by definition right. Why do you feel confident enough to exclude you being mistaken for some reason?
I might be a skeptical bastard but at least I know I can be mistaken about stuff; why are claimants of paranormal activity any different?