If you experienced a supernatural event, could you convince anyone?

by free2beme 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon


    No, no, it is 'OUR' fault for having high standards of evidence. Isn't it obvious to you that ghosts should have different standards of evidence to cheeseburgers?

    Hehe; basically; if someone wants a portion of the supernatural to be treated like a proper science, then there's a great opprtunity for them to be in at the ground floor.

    Yup, all you paranormal experiencing people could be the Galileo or Newton of the paranormal; the one who actually harnesses the great good our hidden supernatural powers have by an unimpeachable and thorough series of investigations showing the existence of such powers beyond reasonable doubt, and how they can utilised in a reliable and consistent fashion for man's good. You would be spoken of in the same way as Einstein and Darwin.

    Given how common the occurance of such power is just on this board (in the past we've had remote viewers too!) I'm a little unsure why it's so difficult if it is so real. Or is that me being a nasty little skeptic?

    Nah... don't blame me... blame all the people who are making false claims of paranormal powers who are obviously the ones responsible for the level of credibility of the paranormal... I think the practisers of genuine paranormal powers need to get their own house and flush out the charaltans before they play the 'blame' card.

    First thing that needs to be done is for the practisers of paranormal powers to get together and agree on what would be satisfactory evidence. Fortunately they don't have to re-invent the wheel;


    Just as science was born from natural philosophy so to I expect, any day now (nah, I'm not prophecying, just stands to reason with so many people doing it it won't take long) a new science or sciences to be born from the paranormal/supernatural.

  • Dansk

    I've experienced "supernatural" events - and I am glad the sceptics are around! I believe whole-heartedly in scientific research. If someone was able to prove my experiences were totally natural events I'd be fine with that. Remember, the Bible and other religious books are full of this kind of stuff, much of it causing people to be held fast in a tight grip based on fables and lies. When the sceptics are forcibly silenced it's time to worry.


  • skyking

    All a person has to do is look at our government and just about every other governments in the world, they use remote viewers. The US has had great success with them.

    Abaddon: You'll say the US abandoned their remote view project. This is not true, Bush slipped up in 2002 in a speech he made to the world, when he mentioned what the US remote viewers had to say about Iraq. This slip of the tongue made world News regarding the secret remote viewing projects that are in operation.

    So I am sure the Governments of the world believe in the supernatural ability. Abaddon do you think the Government are stupid enough to keep them the REMOTE VIEWERS around if they were not having some success? When the US forces were interviewed about find Saddam one commander said he was found just the way our remote viewers said he would be found.

  • jstalin
    Abaddon: You'll say the US abandoned their remote view project. This is not true, Bush slipped up in 2002 in a speech he made to the world, when he mentioned what the US remote viewers had to say about Iraq. This slip of the tongue made world News regarding the secret remote viewing projects that are in operation.

    .... and what's your source for this?

    And, what wonderful work those remote viewers have done! Obviously, they were dead wrong, just like the good old fashined non-paranormal CIA, about WMDs.

  • Abaddon


    Well? Go on... I am waiting. If you want the paranormal powers you believe to be genuine to be accepted as a proper science, you know what to do. The fact the are NOT accepted as 'proper' science is down to 'believers' who've never bothered supporting their claims in a decent fashion.

    I have the Remote Viewing training manual somewhere (it's easy to find online). Why don't you download them and try? Here's some; http://www.remoteviewed.com/remote_viewing_manuals.htm

    Just tell me what I have on the window ledge next to my desk at work. Or if that is too difficult, describe the row of buildings I am in as viewed from the air. Tell me what 'beacon' you need.

    Or I can send someone I think most people would regard as unimpeachable, say Ross (LittleToe) an envelope with a picture in it (although I promise as I would LIKE someone to PROVE the paranormal just telling me what's on my window ledge would convince me and I would say so) and one of you spooks can tell me what the picture is.

    As you might guess by me having the manuals already RV is something I am fascinated by. The proof is sadly lacking, for all the grandiose claims.

    But as it is obviously uncontestable, well, prove it. And don't do it just for me; Randi has put up $1,000,000!

  • skyking

    Why do you say they were wrong? Did we not find Saddam? Bush no doubt only listened to what he wanted to hear? He probabley did not taken in what they really said too him, but only what he wanted. One thing is for sure the report from the non-existing remote viewers we the public will never know what it really said.

    This topic about Bush' slip on the remote viewers has been threaded to death on this board many times in the last 5 years.

  • ButtLight

    Gotta love these threads!

    I also love it when my cats both crouch down, hair on their backs standing strait up, and look at something that I cant see!

  • Abaddon

    Oh come skyking, it's not fun if you avoid doing anything to back your claims other than unreferenced mumbles. I know when you DO post a link it tends to go a little dreadfully wrong if someone actually goes to the bother of reading it and thinking about it, but unless you back up your claims with some substance you risk falling into the 'Macbeth 5:5' trap;

    ... a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing

    Your lack of evidence is not my problem!

  • jstalin

    Why do you say they were wrong? Did we not find Saddam? Bush no doubt only listened to what he wanted to hear? He probabley did not taken in what they really said too him, but only what he wanted. One thing is for sure the report from the non-existing remote viewers we the public will never know what it really said.

    This topic about Bush' slip on the remote viewers has been threaded to death on this board many times in the last 5 years.

    Yes, Saddam was found. You didn't make any claim about using remote viewers to find Saddam. But of course, the report that no one can produce would prove it all, right? And there's an invisible purple dragon in my garage. I haven't seen any threads on George Bush and remote viewing, so I was genuinly asking for a source of his supposed "slip." I did some Google searching and couldn't find anything. What's so hard with producing a source for me? Or is Google part of the government conspiracy to cover up the invisible remote viewing report too?

  • MsMcDucket

    This may be a tad off topic, but how do you explain mother's intuition or the super-human strength that many obtain in times of trouble or whatever?

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