Cloven Souls

by AuldSoul 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul

    Cloven Souls

    There is a cure for broken hearts
    the salve new interest holds.
    But where the cure, if such there be,
    that mends the cloven souls?

    Broken hearts can face the world,
    with sadness, yet resolved.
    Cloven souls shut all away,
    their confidence dissolved.

    The breeding ground of broken hearts
    is love, the youngest kind,
    where cloven souls had roots, deep sunk,
    in old love, true, and blind.

    Cloven souls might be remade
    through tenderest of care,
    a willingness to see the soul
    of one who will not bare.

    The treasured thing in cloven souls
    is love they have believed.
    Find one of these, then make it whole,
    your soul they'll never cleave.

  • skyking

    What is a Cloven Soul? Is it a lost soul? A soul waiting for his or her mate?

  • AuldSoul

    A soul divided, rent in two. E.g. Juni, and others in similar situations.

  • dobbie

    doesn't it mean divided?Beautiful Auldsoul, very thought provoking

  • skyking

    Thanks. Audsoul good poem.

  • Sparkplug

    AuldSoul. I got what you meant right away and it is true. For if someone could figure out the way this one needs mend.....well you know....

    Did you write that?

  • AuldSoul

    Yes, Sparkplug. I wrote it.

  • Sparkplug

    I thought so it rings to the sound of your wisdom. That you know I love to read!

  • Gretchen956

    I'm in awe. Very well written poetry auld soul.


  • Sparkplug

    Cloven souls might be remade
    through tenderest of care,
    a willingness to see the soul
    of one who will not bare.

    The more thought I put into it, the more I find in your poem. Again great work.

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