Cloven Souls

by AuldSoul 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Good work

  • yesidid

    Beautiful AuldSoul, just beautiful.

    Thank you.


  • AuldSoul

    Has anyone ever cried over a deep sense of losing love or sense of trust they were certain of, but for which they discovered they never really had a basis? It could be the love of parents, a significant other, a religion, a close friend...the experience cleaves the soul, leaves it less receptive to love and/or trust, less able to be comforted, less confident, which makes the person less capable of feeling human, whole.

    Only time and constancy can heal this kind of wound, but the rewards are incredible for those willing to expend the energy and put forth the effort. A kind of bond can be forged that cannot be undone. The sort of bond that death can't break and epics are written about.

    If anyone has had this sense of loss and longing, know that you are more valuable for it, not less. It is proof that you are capable of that which eludes those who failed you, and the wonder and beauty of that ideal of yours is not something that makes you less human, it simply makes you an aberration of the species.

    Aberrant humans are often lonely and rarely feel connected; they are not like the majority. They will never be like the majority, if they remain true to themselves. Fitting in is not an ideal to which they really aspire, even though they may get wistful for that experience from time to time.

    If you find people who see your ideals and appreciate that you have them, be forebearing with them. You just may have met one who can make you feel whole again, one with whom a bared soul is not quite as terror-inspiring a proposition. Patience and watchfulness. Those who appreciate you for who and what you are really do exist. Even Jeffrey Dahmer had admirers (okay, bad example ).


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