I'm in my twenties and am raised as a JW by my parents. I've been reading this board for over a year. Have read several books: Crisis of Consience, Apocalypse Delayed, Who wrote the Bible, The Bible Unearthed. I'm currently reading Gentile times Reconsidered and I have "The signs of the last days when?" laying on my bookshelf to be read next perhaps followed by "The God delusion".
There is no doubt in my mind that the JWs are not the one true religion. But the next question is then what to belief. I have been doing some research about the Bible and archeology. I find it very frustrating because I find proof that seems to indicate that what is described in the Bible actually happened (Walls of Jericho) altough you can always explain it in another way. Then you find a lot of proof that seems to indicate otherwise like people who have lived far more than 6000 years ago on this planet. The destruction of Jerusalem must be in 586 BCE but then some bible text are not the clear anymore about the 70 years. I have the feeling you can explain the text in any way you like to support almost every date you like and then the bible looses it authority with me.
So in my mind i'm becoming an agnostic or maybe even atheist, but still the evidence that seems to be in favor of the bible story is really bugging me sometimes. How do you handle this? Do you just ignore it or give up because you realize you will never find concluding evidence either way and you choose what in your mind is the most reasonable?
Don't know what to belief anymore?
by GBSJG 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
IMHO the bible has never really been about dates, but rather an introduction to a person. Find that person and you have the key to unlocking the whole thing. Focus on the dates and all you've got is a dusty old book...
I'm forever grateful that I discovered the truth about "the truth". I have no belief system now and I'm quite comfortable with that. It's exciting in fact - I can read, learn, explore and discover with an open mind. I regard the Bible as an important historical book.
Hello GBSJG;
Try saying "I don't know" ten times. Keep examining the evidence and enjoy the search.
I have become quite comfortable saying that I don't know but am willing to learn. Actually accepting that you don't know can give you freedom from the restrictions of the confining religious beliefs of the JW and their teachings.
Enjoy your freedom!!! Enjoy the ride!!! Enjoy the search!!!
jimbo (of the "I don't know" class) -
A Paduan
If you were raised jw and you're looking for truth, you'll need to wind back your thinking to babyhood.
If you are interested by the bible, forget the notion that it's a history book, like one from the library.
The stories are spiritually true - it is unlike the literal understanding of jwism - yet sharp.
and without Him was nothing made that was made
First, I want to welcome all you newer ones!! Glad you found us, and look forward to getting to know you all better!!
For me, like was already mentioned, I'm just loving the ride now, and my freedom!! After I left, for many years I was self-destrctive!! Since I found these places, the healing has begun!!
I'm living life, finally!!
Stop worrying. If God was concerned he wouldn't allow all these different religions to exist. Littletoe has a religious belief system he believes in and I have settled on Judaism. Some are athesists, some Buddists, etc. The main thing is to not hook up with a religion or belief system that causes harm to anyone or controls your life.
All religion requires a measure of faith from it's members to exist. Good luck on your decisons.
Don't rush, take your time and decide what's important to you. Find the key questions that you actually want answered and focus your attention and research on them. It is so easy to drift from point to point without ever establishing anything clearly in your own mind so be sure of the issues you need to resolve.
Voltaire said something like; "Doubt is not a pleasant state of mind but certainty is a ridiculous one."
Question everything and be prepared to accept conclusions you may not like. For all that, the journey of discovery you are setting out on is a wonderful one. Enjoy it.
Center of Bible is Jesus Christ. Intention of Bible is to testify about Jesus Christ so you can come to him and get ethernal life. That's so simple!
No need to rush into anything, just give yourself all the time you need. Keep reading about things and searching and don't hurry too much with it. You'll get comfortable with the feeling of not knowing for sure anything after awhile. It's that idea of certainty that we get used to and we feel lost without it at first.