Don't know what to belief anymore?

by GBSJG 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JamesThomas
    [Do] you choose what in your mind is the most reasonable?

    What is in the mind? Thoughts, ideas, interpritations, facsimiles and representations. None of it real; as a thought of a tree -- is not a tree.

    The basis of your problem is simple: you seek truth in beliefs, when beliefs are inherently lies.

    Thoughts and beliefs have an important and practical use in day to day existence. However, when it comes to discovery of ultimate Truth, nothing the mind can offer is IT.

    When the mind is completely still and quiescent, what is here?

    Stop giving credence to beliefs and mind generated stories and drama. Let go and fall into the vast depths of the silent and actual reality of Being within your most intimate center, and see what can be found here. Look past the mind's facades and discover what is Real. Realize what you really are.

    Be still, and know...



  • PrimateDave

    It was from a rather silly movie, but it is as true as anything in the sacred scriptures of any religion:

    Be excellent to one another; party on dudes!


  • penny2
    Leaving the WTS really makes you doubt everything you have ever learned and that causes some stress

    Yes it's very stressful leaving the WTS - on many levels.

  • RevFrank

    Jesus said to them, 'I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE,..No one comes to the Father, except through me."...JOHN 14:6 watchtower isn't the way......nor is any other religion......So if you start as said in John 14:6, the rest will come.... God Bless.....PEACE

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