'Ok people, we have 3 awake magazines with 8 pages each to pump out before the end of the month, no politics, no sex, no mention of education, no recreation, no religious topics, no medical advice, limit music only to instruments '
say the GB.
'oh a deadline, gee, 3 'whole' magazines, and so few topics, what ever will we print in them???'
'how about the life cycle of an ant? ' says 'cubicle # 2'.
'you go girl and don't forget use the watchtower library for your research'.
[copy paste copy paste]
How creative are you or I, that we couldn't arrange an awake magazine with lots of colorful pictures, within like half an hour? I know there are those creative minds on here!
[and who the heck imagines those study articles! they brain is in backwards].
[what would YOU have liked to see in those magazines]