"Why masturbation creates homosexuality. The life story of ToMo3"
lets make something up, so say the writters of the wt magazines
by sowhatnow 13 Replies latest social humour
"Beware of Cults."
(designed to try and hide in plain sight)
splash and simon, you got me lmao
omg really there was an article called tips for cassette tapes wow.
hey taxi 'get me outa here!' lol
"Pets - Are They for Christians?"
I can just imagine how the article would read...
"Remember, brothers and sisters, dogs and cats are not spoken of favorably in God's Word, and, in fact have been worshipped as false gods by many pagan societies, so can it truly be said that Jehovah would be pleased if we kept such creatures in our homes, even regarding them as family members?"