Verify - WT asking for old books for libraries, but burning them instead.

by truthseeker 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I found this on E-Watchman, can anyone verify this?

    Burning and disposing of old books is exactly what the Society wants, so that there is no paper trial. I remember years ago when I served in the congregation, we received a letter from the Society. The letter went on to brag of the great work the Society was doing, and all the new offices and printing facilities and bethel homes bing constructed worldwide and that these places needed theocratic books for their libraries and the Society was reaching out to the rank and file to supply these needed books. They SPECIFICALLY asked for Russell, Rutherford books and magazines.

    Some years later I was talking to a former betheilite elder and he told me the Society received tons of boxes of these books and they burned them all.

  • LongHairGal

    Don't you just despise them when you hear things like this? They clearly want to destroy evidence of their past because they obviously know they are full of shit and don't want any new people to know what they said back when. Well, guess what? They can't destroy everything they wrote.

    The cat is out of the bag and everybody is wise to the tricks.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Reading stuff likes this makes me ever more thankful for the internet!

    They can destroy their old publications, which prior to the internet were their greatest enemy, but so many of them are now available online that people are still able to reseach true jw history, not the convoluted crap that was the proclaimers book, even if the wts manage to burn every book they have ever published. They can no longer suppress the truth about the troof!

  • blondie

    All the older congregations I attended had all the older books and the individual JWs I knew did. I come from a family that goes back to the 1920's. Their libraries do too. No book burning. In fact they tend to hoard them. I know some with phonographs, Rutherford's records, sound car equipment, all stored in the back storage areas.


  • Flowerpetal

    I found this on E-Watchman, can anyone verify this?

    So does this mean e-watchman has two sites now? The only one I'm familiar with is this one:

  • bigmouth

    As a literature servant in the early 80's I can recall a request from the branch to send all old publications back to them. I think the cut-off date was 1954. I never questioned why, we just did.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    My mother had alot of old books (grandfather came in "the truth" in the '20's). She was moving and thinning out the collection and wanted to donate the books. Bethel wouldn't take them, none of the congs in our city would take them either.

    A few years ago, a JW had rented an old barn on the outskirts of the city and found boxes of old books in the hay loft that were hidden during the ban here way back during the war. They tried to donate them to Bethel too and they didn't want them.


  • gaiagirl

    Interesting how history repeats itself. In 178 C.E. Celsus wrote "True Reason", discussing several Christian doctrines. He recorded how Christians were in his day already altering the Gospel stories, writing "Some of them, as it were in a drunken state producing self-induced visions, remodel their Gospel from its first written form, and reform it so that they may be able to refute the objections brought against it." So in continually adjusting their doctrines, and attempting to eliminate evidence that doctrine was ever different, WTBTS is just following an ancient Christian tradition. Celsus also wrote concerning the Christian concept of Satan as an agent opposed to the supreme God. He wrote "It is blasphemy to say that the greatest God has an adversary who constrains his capacity to do good. But what else can be expected from those who cut themselves off from the rest of civilization? For in saying this, they are really projecting their own feelings onto God".


    Sounds silly.


  • Gill

    I remember an announcement in the 80's calling very old books in, also.

    My mum took a load to the KH. We didn't know what happened to them of course.

    However, I know that it was frowned on in our cong to quote from older publications and one particular Elder I remember being chastised in front of the whole cong by the CO for quoting from an older publication at the group study.

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