Verify - WT asking for old books for libraries, but burning them instead.

by truthseeker 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gordy

    In my old congregation I think we had every book printed by the WT. I remember we had big leather bound volumes of the Watchtower from 1879 onwards. Most of it all was left to the congregation by a sister who was one of the "anointed" in the late 1970's she was over 100 when she died. Often wonder whether they still have them all.

  • AuldSoul

    My mother has a copy of the Divine Plan of the Ages framed on her wall. The irony has not escaped me. She also has a WT Approved phonograph machine with the platter "Religion Is a Snare and a Racket." She is looking for "The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living Will Never Die." Although, I think if she got hold of that one she'd be in for some big surprises.

  • VM44

    I am sure that the Watchtower doesn't want any local congregations to have The Golden Age in their libraries!

    That magazine came right out of The Twilight Zone!

    The Watchtower doesn't want its people going through the old literature and saying "Look at what I found!". It would then have to answer questions that it doesn't want to have to deal with.


  • TD

    I don't know anything about burning, but I do know that many KH libraries have been purged of all the older publications.

    For example, it happened twice in congregations my wife attended in the 80's and 90's. Anything prior to about 1970 was removed and these publications were given to anyone who would take them. (Both times my library grew --LOL)

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