Do you feel that "Christians and JW's" try to impose "guilt" on members

by booker-t 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lowden

    The whole thrust of the bible is one that imposes GUILT and FEAR and not just the Old Testament.

    Some christian based religions are better at manipulating the bible in this way than others but everyone that reads and believes the bible as the truth has been manipulated.

    If you believe you are a sinner, then you have been manipulated by GUILT. Right from the 'off' it tells us that we are guilty of 'falling short of the mark' due to Adam and Eve's mistake.

    We are guilty of nothing!!

    Apparently, the only way we can be 'good' (not guilty) is by exercising faith in the jesus saviour, otherwise you will die (fear).

    How utterly revolting.

    Jesus will apparently judge the nations. He is the chief executioner at Armageddon. He is a perpetrator of MASS GENOCIDE.

    How anybody that thinks with a just mind can serve that monster quite baffles me!

    Fear and guilt are the lifeblood of many major religions.



  • aniron

    The whole thrust of the bible is one that imposes GUILT and FEAR and not just the Old Testament.

    I've never got GUILT or FEAR from the Bible. I got it from the people who claimed thats what the Bible said.

    Fear and guilt are the lifeblood of many major religions.

    Its also the lifeblood of many governments. Even those that claimed they didn't believe in any religion.

  • moomanchu

    JW : yes

    Christian : yes to unbelievers

    no to believers

    Ever notice the JWs mock and critisize churches who teach, "once saved always saved" dogma.

  • lowden

    I've never got GUILT or FEAR from the Bible. I got it from the people who claimed thats what the Bible said.


    If you believe that you are a sinner, then you are a victim of the 'shackles of guilt' that the bible throws out to all who willingly accept them.


  • LongHairGal

    Fear and guilt trips are the two things that most christian religions instill but some religions (JWs and others) try to do it a little more.

    The problem is there would be no end to the fear and guilt with them. This always made their "new system" sound like a nightmare. You always had to be afraid of every step. This is not freedom. This is slavery.

    They are all looking for a following of fearful, gullible people. Without the fear and guilt, there would be no need for a religion. Of course, the guys at the top benefiting are probably not guilty or fearful about anything except losing their cushy position.


  • NewYork44M

    Guilt is used by many people, groups, and religion for one simple reason - it works.

  • Smiles_Smiles

    I wouldn't go so far as to say they 'try' to impose guilt and fear but I do believe it is a by product of the 'basic' christian/jesus belief.

    I think the whole 'sinner' and 'jesus died for sinners - redemption' doctrine shreds people's self esteem and promotes a 'less than' mentality.

    But that's just my thoughts. It's definitly not absolute because not every one who believes in that stuff have those type of issues.

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