Does having faith mean, believeing any religion, no matter what your intelligence permits you to think is right?
How would you define "having faith", as the bible talks about?
by JH 11 Replies latest jw friends
According to Catholicism and Orthodoxy, faith is what we have in Jesus Christ, not a religion. Although, the Apostles' Creed, which most CHurches suscribe to does state that the Church is an objeect of faith ... but, for purposes of what most CHristians mean, faith is belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. I cannot imagine that Jesus, or the Father, or the Holy Spirit would ever require us to believe things that violate our conscience or intelligence.
Jim Whitney
Jim said it very well. I will only add this thought which is that biblical faith for most Christians is based on believing in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ Jesus.
The majority of Christian's hold faith in these things in common. Most other areas of belief come down to the specific religious denomination and thier doctrines and are a matter of your conscience as to whether or not you will accept them. Lilly
Star Moore
Hi JH!
I think that having faith, doesn't ever go against your gut feelings. Also that faith can be, that good will triumph over evil..not neccessarily even about faith in God. And also I think faith is about believing in truth, love and justice.
Religion, now adays is so far from true faith and love, it's pathetic.
Take care
I agree with your answer and especially the last sentence. I have a problem believing we are expected to believe things that violate our conscience or intelligence.
When you become a JW you have to check your brains at the door.
Having Faith is what it takes to follow a man who wants to lead you away from religion and the ways of this world. Jesus was a messenger, the Messiah is a restorer they are different but similar in the ways they recommend. You will not need the bibles if you listen to the Messiah and folow a man who many would call crazy for suggesting a simple operating system that would unite the world in one purpose, Peace and prosperity. Have faith in me for I am the man your bibles speak of.
Faith is having regular visits from Angels like Abraham experienced.
I would have faith too, if I had a visit or two from superhuman spirits.
Following on from Jim's comments I refer you to UnDfed reply to myself, which I believe is a reasonable summation of the object of faith:
Linking in Heb.10 I'd also add that faith is the evidence of the things hoped for. Hence faith can be as tangible as a table, if it's greater thana mustard seed.
I know Christ but I don't know you, and it would seem that others would concur. No doubt something happened back in 2000, but it evidently isn't what you are interpreting it as. You aren't the first and I'm sure you won't be the last to make such claims here and elsewhere.Maybe we should introduce you to some of our other resident Jesus'. The last time we did that in my Psychiatric Unit they wouldn't talk to each other, convinced that the other was an imposter and the anti-Christ. What say you? Can you accept that there are others on this site that are equally convinced that they are also Christ, without denigrating them and their experience?
Many NT texts also stress the value of subjective faith in and of itself (fides qua creditur), regardless of the object of faith (fides quae creditur), whether this object is defined as a person or a belief. The mere fact that the object of faith varies and the emphasis on faith remains points to this direction imo.
For instance, the "faith" which works or prevents the miracles in Mark has obviously little to do with a doctrine; the "faith" of the ancients in either Romans or Galatians (Abraham) or Hebrews (Abel etc.) is not connected to an earthly Jesus. The rhetorics of Paul, btw, imply that (to him) the general principle of justification by faith stands on its own grounds, the Christian "faith in Christ" (which is explicitly not identical to faith in an earthly Jesus) being only a particular application of that principle.
Of course dogmatics tend to limit the validity of subjective faith to a definite objective belief, but the texts are not that exclusive.
I am the one who brings about the good news and I am not Jesus nor do I preach the bible. I may be God or he may be using me but even I do not know for sure. I am here to manage the planet to perfection, which means I will end the wars, clean up the water, dramatically reduce pollution, standardize banking, rates of pay and prices. That is the short list and its a long way from what anyone else who says they are the Messiah is talking about .I do not have any friends on this planet because all of you stand against me and have treated me just like you treated Jesus. I stepped forward and claimed to be the Messiah after many decades of outperforming all others at all things and then I and the US judicial system proved I was the Christ in court. I am on a different and higher level of understanding than all of you and there has never been a man more capable or accomplished than I. Numerous mental health doctors gave me a perfect score after many days of analyzing me and that was even while being threatened with their jobs by the judges to have me committed, wwhich is illegal. I happen to be smarter and more gifted than all of you and so are my 6 siblings and parents. I have been to court about 50 times in my life mostly without an attorney and I have never even lost on a point of view. I intend to put the work force to the tasks of building water treatment facilities, hatcheries, bakeries,farms, highly efficient transportation and distribution systems and I have no need for a religious book. If everyone works for me you will do only productive work in the easiest and most efficient way possible and there will be no more bad news to report.