My daughter 16 at the time and a JW. Occasionally would be given a lift home from work by a married JW brother who lived nearby, if he saw her walking along the road home.
One day she gets a call from the Elders would like to meet her and the brother at the Kingdom Hall. It turns out they had been spotted in the car together, on a couple of times when the brother had given her a lift. What followed was what amounted to accusations that they were having an affair. My daughter told them they were being stupid and it was just a lift home and no more than about 10 minutes in the car with him. The brother told them that he had seen her walking in the rain one time and stopped to take her home. Then if he was coming home that way, he didn't always come home the same way depending on were he had been working, and saw her he would give her a lift. But the Elders were not having it and couldn't accept it as a simple act of kindness. But they couldn't prove anything. So they just privately reproved them.
The next part was told to me later on.
About two weeks later the brother calls the Elders concerned to comes to his house. Probably thinking he is going to confess, they turned up. He tells them to sit down and shut up. He then lays into them over their suspicious petty minded attitude over it. Based on what "ONE" person had told them. He goes on about how JW's are supposed to show love to each other and asks its it love to see a fellow JW walking in the pouring rain and not offer a lift. By the Elders view its ok to give a lift, if it was a brother, but not a sister. I believe he went on for quite a while at them, using scripture as well.
Then he told that they had just compounded in his mind what he had felt for a long time. amongst other things. That JW's were a totally unloving religion. With that he gives them his Letter of Disassociation and tells then to get out.
This brother was married to the daughter of an Elder. So you can imagine what problems his DA caused. I heard later on that they had divorced, on what grounds I don't know. Didn't involve my daughter though. But the brothers wife still blames my daughter for it all because oif she hadn't accepted the lift none of it would have happened.