parakeet was right . All christian religion teach of a global destruction in one form or another . And of course only fellow believers are saved from it . The baptists still use hell fire along with many others such as catholicism . I went to a non denominational church that was using it a couple of years ago . The WTBTS does seem to focus on the opposers fate more than it does on the reward for the faithful . I personally don't think that all religion will be destroyed but that the harlot of revelation riding the beast is the catholic church because the lamb beast takes full control and the horns of a lamb are supposed to symbolize a claim to christianity .
The Great Day of Jehovah is NEAR!!!!!!
by Gill 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The dubs are quoting from the bible.
Just because the dubs hang there hat on these scriptures does not mean God's great day will never come.
Will you dispute a speeding ticket because you do not like the make and model of the police car?
Of course I am noticing that many who post here are of the opinion there should be no police (religion or bible) at all.
BCZAR2ME---- I agree , it's not about what religions say , it's about what the bible says. If you believe in it then you believe that the end of the world is imminent , otherwise God would be a liar . I just get tired of all those con men out there acting like God wants them to be stinking rich right up til the end and it's on other peoples money.
loL i not go through the same crap and im only 17 years dad FORCES THE RELIGION DOWN MY THROAT UNTIL I GET ENOUGH OF A HEADACHE OF IT!..ERRG ITS SO BORING!..the meetings ok i can admit r sometimes inspiring, but to sit there listend to BS, for 2 hours and a half, OMG! someone like KILL ME NOW! "OH MIGHTY JEHOVAH IF THIS IS WUT U CALL A GIFT FOR UR TO LIVE..STRIKE ME NOW PLZ I BEG OF YOU" am currently a wiccan so..haha..its wutever..i lover my religion i just converted from JW's..and my life is heck of alot betetr..WOW its a huge the only bad thing is my father doesnt know who is currently a JW.haha
Well who cares!
BECAUSE I AM WHAT AND WHO I AM (said by Jehovah in burning bush)
Gee.....someone told me it was 1874....1914, 1918, 1925, 1941, 1945, 1975, 1999, 2003, 2005.....and so forth and so on..
I suspect that Philip Brumley, and his gang, won't allow the old dudes to make any more prophecys now, or put anything incriminating in print.
That's way the Wagtower and Asleep mags and other publication don't actually say anything much any more.
Everything is censored to within an inch of its life so that the lawyers don't have to do too much work.