Were you ever talked to by elders or charged with something because of hearsay???
Did You Ever Get Done In By Hearsay???
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Yes and I told them in so many words nicely then to GO TO HELL
No, but I listened to the slander and helped instigate an 'investigation of the allegations."
No, but I have heard of it.
Sometimes if they have nothing concrete on somebody but want to get them they will "frame an accusation in the form of a question". For example, they can say hey brother/sister so-and-so we heard you smoke, etc. The idea is for the gullible person to spill their guts.
All JWs have who have been one for any length of time.
hearsay = gossip = slander.
If the elders haven't the 2 eyewitnesses, just tell them to go away.
I didn't get "done in" but they tried. After a meeting when I was in my late teens an elder cornered me and said a certain older sister told them I had made a date to meet her grandson and go out and that I didn't show up for the date. ... After him fussing at me for not showing up, I explained that the guy was being very pushy and I couldn't get rid of him. Maybe I did say I'd meet him just to make him leave me alone (I was a KID for heavens sake). ... Then I asked if the elder if he knew the guy was married? ... That shut him up pretty fast. ... ( It was a blind date and I had no idea the guy was married until that first meeting. I sure wasn't going to see him again.)
Ah yes! The hearsay, gossip, and slander!!! The lifeblood of any JWs existance!!! It's more crucial to their existance than food, water, or air! It's the unholy spirit that's been directing the watchtower society since it was founded!
A good JW will never let facts stand in the way of hearsay, gossip, and slander!!!
I got DF'd by hearsay... They wouldn't accept worldly ppl as witnesses to the accused act. But somehow they managed to find 2 witnesses who never witnessed anything to come forward... and what they said was so far from the truth. But hey who am I to argue with "2 witnesses" I'm obviously full of bologna and a pathological liar.
Oh yeah. The entire family did. One of the reasons we left. Got tired of the false accusations by such a loving brotherhood. Including friends of 21 years too would lie.
I did the second time I got DF'd. I had been successfully fading for 2 years when they harassed my parents to the point I met with them. I shoulda never dunnit. The loving elders "heard" I had had a miscarriage and told me they needed to make an example of me. They never asked if it was true, they never said, "We're sorry to hear it. Would you like a free home bible study?" They told me I had 2 choices - DA or DF. I didn't know they could offer people that choice. So since I hadn't figured everything out, I refused to DA, so they DF'd. My mom heard the whole BS go down and to this day lovingly wastes her life energy waiting on Jahizzo.