In the beginning ... was the Watchtower Society

by The wanderer 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    In the beginning ... was the Watchtower Society

    After last night's thread concerning whether or not individuals on
    this discussion board hated Jehovah's Witnesses, it was found
    that the vast majority did not.

    Rather, individuals on this discussion board pointed to the Watch-
    tower Society as being the main culprit. However, this leads us
    to the next series of questions concerning the Watchtower

    Motivated by good will?

    Charles Taze Russell is credited as the founder of Zion's Watchtower
    Tract Society
    as it was known in the 1880's. During the course of his
    life he claimed to be divinely guided.

    Individuals can make an argument for or against him. But was he
    motivated by good will in the very beginning when it all started?

    When did the pieces start falling apart?

    Whether or not you personally believe that there was a good or
    bad motive attached to Charles Taze Russell regarding the
    Watchtower Society is your own individual viewpoint and per-
    spective on the matter. However, most of us would probably
    agree that it started to fall apart at some point.

    Some believe it started to fall apart when "Judge" Ruther-
    ford took control. Others, believe it was beforehand and
    still others, during the course of time with the 1975 episode
    and the Ray Franz incident .

    What do you think?

    Questions to Consider

    • Did "Pastor" Russell have a good motivation in the
      beginning regarding the Watchtower Society?

    • Do you think it was "Judge" Rutherford that corrupted
      the organization?

    • What is you overall viewpoint on the matter?

    Please provide your viewpoints and opinions
    for a lively discussion of the matter.


    The Wanderer

  • daystar
  • Did "Pastor" Russell have a good motivation in the
    beginning regarding the Watchtower Society?

  • Do you think it was "Judge" Rutherford that corrupted
    the organization?

  • What is you overall viewpoint on the matter?

  • Irrelevant. Regardless of motive or intent of the person or persons involved early on, this is still a repressive, misguided, corrupt organization as it stands today. What is the purpose of trying to untangle Russell's innocence or guilt in this matter. He's patently guilty of a whole host of wacky theories, but whether he had good intentions or not matters very little. You have heard what the path to "hell" is paved with, haven't you?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I think CT Russell was just a misguided crackpot who inflicted his ideas on many other people, and Rutherford just added to the lies and made the watchtower into more of a business. The rest of the leaders have carried on in the same businesslike manner ever since.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Well Daystar:

    It is always good to get different ideas
    and perspectives on the matter anyway.

    You never know what insights people may
    have. However, I understand your point.

    The Wanderer

  • wanderlustguy

    I think there was a time when everyone thought they were doing the right thing, even today. I honestly believe the elders, servants, and rank & file believe at first that the Society is man's only hope. However, I also beleive there comes a moment when everyone above a certain intellectual level realizes something is wrong. It is what people do at that point that makes them what they are as a person. Some people are simply not intelligent enough or do not think deeply enough to be affected by the thousands of signals that the Organization is in error.

    With that said, the Governing Body is guilty as hell and so is almost any elder that has been serving long enough to see the major doctine shifts that have occured in the last 10 years.


  • daystar
    Well Daystar:

    It is always good to get different ideas
    and perspectives on the matter anyway.

    You never know what insights people may
    have. However, I understand your point.

    Certainly. I'm just presenting my view as to its relevancy, IMO.

  • hambeak

    There was a revival of spiritual contiousness back then 1870's and quite a few felt being called by God to do the Lords work.

    Reading the Crisis book I learned a lot and because of the secrecy of things the org did hold together well. However as dates came and went and nearly all of the 1914 generation are dead and gone, dates keep moving, more people are partaking of the emblems as replacements. I feel that in the early 1980's things started to unravel. The advent of the internet and the exchange of experiences and ideas this board being a good example, people want more proof not just accept something blindly. I know we walk by faith not by sight but at least use some common sense. just my dumb opinion

  • Honesty
    Did "Pastor" Russell have a good motivation in the beginning regarding the Watchtower Society?

    I never would have joined the cult if I had known about CT Russell and his crackpot ideas.

    I was thoroughly bamboozled by the JW's just as they have been thorughly bamboozled themselves.

  • becca1

    I think Russell was a kookie guy with good intentions. He trully wanted to learn and teach Bible truth. I don't think he intended for the Society as we know it to ever come to be. Rutherford took it to whole other level and created a religion with all the bells and whistles. I am not defending present day Rusellites, I just think Russell was sincere in his efforts.

  • mama bear
    mama bear

    • Did "Pastor" Russell have a good motivation in the
      beginning regarding the Watchtower Society?

    • Do you think it was "Judge" Rutherford that corrupted
      the organization?

    • What is you overall viewpoint on the matter?

    After spending 28 yrs there, having studiously devoured all the early materials, Faith on The March, the Studies in the Scriptures, historical data provided in and out of the org, and trying to be 'fair and balanced' now, I think Pastor Russell was genuinely seeking his own spiritual enlightenment and no doubt within his own relationship with God was granted answers which worked best for him. I know he penned some far out stuff and frankly when compared to others who sought spiritual enlightenment like Matthew Henry, etc, what he wrote was not even in the same league. But, as to his motive, I think his heart was sincere. It seems his lack of humility and his desire to be confrontational in debating his own findings and assumptions with other leaders may have laid the ground work for what would become the ultimate confrontational alleged 'Christian' religion which to date is still printing inflammatory materials such as the latest KN. I don't think he is any worse than some of the others who were about and developing their own following back then but when you look at the exposition of such writers as Matthew Henry in comparison to anything ever penned by Pastor Russell or anyone succeeding him --- the evidence suggests he may have been more a kin to the Pharisees in his approach to study of God's Word.

    The Judge..Knorr, Fred Franz, these folks took a left turn and moved away from any semblance of traditional Christianity and left Articles of Incorporation and By Laws in their respective wakes.

    My viewpoint is that I am in such a better place emotionally, psychologically and mentally away from that life than ever I was while 'in' that life. Seeking God, reading HIS Word, loving HIS Son, enjoying HIS Spirit, appreciating HIS Creation, being free to love 'people' from all walks of life and with their own sense of values and not being confined to choosing my friends from within a select group of look alike people makes for a far more exciting and fulfilling life. I do not need men to tell me what to think, believe nor how to behave, dress, speak, or address another. I had a lot of fun discovering I had my own will and my own mind after 28 yrs of submission to the authority of the 'org'.

    My apologies..I went to change the color of the text and for some reason the only option is red! Guess I wil have to study this forum a little.

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