First of all, regardless of motivation, CT Russell failed in his predictions. There were shadows of leader-worship even in his day, aided and abetted by his wife. She was the one who first referred to him as the "Faithful and Discreet Slave." Russell did nothing to stop the hero worship. The FDS doctrine enslaves many people to this day, following without questioning. Also foreshadowing the future of the society were Russell's infidelities and the manner in which it was swept under the carpet. When his wife confronted him she asked, "We have a great work on our hands," and I said, "in this work you and I have to walk very circumspectly before the world, and if you are going to do things like this, what will happen? Suppose you are all right, don’t you suppose people will talk about things like this?" Image rather than substance has always been a hallmark of the WTBTS.
Rutherford definitely made things worse, institutionalizing abuse of the congregations.
FullofDoubtNow - I think CT Russell was just a misguided crackpot who inflicted his ideas on many other people, and Rutherford just added to the lies and made the watchtower into more of a business. The rest of the leaders have carried on in the same businesslike manner ever since.
A beautiful summary.
MamaBear - It seems his lack of humility and his desire to be confrontational in debating his own findings and assumptions with other leaders may have laid the ground work
I agree.
Overall, if you believe Russell had it right and Jesus really has returned back in 1874 or whenever, you would be better off becoming a full fledged Bible Student. Frankly, I think there religious organizations that have far more solid origins. For example, I am moved by the vision that set the Salvation Army in motion.