disfellowshipping and anger problems

by gay pride 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • penny2

    Sorry gay pride but you can't blame everything on your disfellowshipping - that's not going to hold up in court. You need to take responsibility for your actions. Seek counselling - please.

  • Jeffro
    then i realized...man why am i acting stupid? my anger just gets the best of me all the time...a big part of me wants to relate it back to all the anger from being df'd.

    'gay pride', it is probably very frustrating for you to receive several responses stating that you need to deal with your outbursts after you've expressed how your experiences as a Witnesses have contributed to your anger.

    From what you said above, you've obviously realised that your behaviour is a problem. It is a telling point when you say that a part of you "wants to relate it back to all the anger from being d f'd." The thing is that while the anger may be, to more or less a degree, to do with being df'd (or the whole Witness experience), the way you are expressing your anger is a problem in itself that cannot be justified by the cause.

    Don't take it the wrong way that some here have recommended counselling. They're just expressing concern. But you really should talk to someone - whether it be a counsellor or just a close friend - to vent some of these feelings instead of lashing out at people.

  • bernadette

    Gay pride I want add a little more to my last post because I myself have been for counselling. It is very beneficial over time

    My daughter and myself were both pioneering. She poor thing became exhausted and now has chronic fatigue. She went for counselling first. I continued pioneering in my shortsighted wisdom (had a lot of encouragement to stay on though) and started experiencing major panic attacks. It seems that anger is either directed inwards or outwards with disasterous consequences either way. Counselling helped me deal with the root issues. The panic attacks have finally gone. One thing really surprised me - my counsellor had had lots of exp dealing with JW's before she'd seen us and she was just an ordinary counsellor attached to our local doctor's surgery. So the professionals do know and can help

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