I am currently an agnostic, I am suffering from depression because i cant seem to know or realize if this "Jehovah's Witness religion" is really true..I mean what is so true about it. Im only 17 years old and i feel that i need to find my religion. Right now im currently dating a Wiccan. Hes not bad at all. hes like one of the nicest ppl u can ever meet in ur life, but Why do JW's decieve him, along with other christians. I myself have thought about Joining in this religion for I see nothing wrong with it..I dont even know if i believe in The Devil Satan. I need help You Guys, and Im In desperate need of it. Tell me What is your view on Wiccan Witchraft. I LOVE IT!
What Is Wrong With the Religion "Wicca"?
by Dark_Princess 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you love it, and i5t makes you feel good inside, then go for, it. Even if just for thre purpose to learn about it.
I know I have never heeard any GOOD out comes from going through the hell of the witnesses......I was 10 times more carefree, happy, loving and innocent before they warped my mind.
I am JUST leaning to love myself and others again, and relizing what damage they're judgmental attitude did to my person.
WELCOME, Dark Princess!
Actually, true Wiccans have a very respectful and benevolent attitude. They believe that whatever they put out into the world will come back to them three-fold, (positive or negative) so they strive to concentrate on the positives.
We are very glad you are here, Dear, stay a while. There are several practicing Wiccans posting here.
(And hey there, hi there, Miss Melissamouse!)
Baba. -
gordon d
WELCOME Dark Princess... Glad you're here.
My one time girlfriend Shanna once told me that the best thing about practicing Wicca is the comebacks that you get to use for all the stupid questions that you get.
[Q] Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
[A] I'm a sandwich... bite me!
[Q] Can you turn me into a toad?
[A] No, but I could try and turn you into a human!
[Q] Do you ride a broom?
[A] I did...'till your mother stole it! -
They believe that whatever they put out into the world will come back to them three-fold, (positive or negative) so they strive to concentrate on the positives.
I know nothing about Wicca, but that is a good quality. Have you ever considered Buddhism? They have a somewhat non-structured belief system and a similar belief to the above quote.
Hi Baba! muha!
I like what you said about putting out there positive or negative.......I know I slip at times, but i really do try to put out as much positive as i can, because i think I have a similar belief about that inside of me.
If you feel that Wicca is the path with which your spiritual journey should take then so be it; there is nothing fundamentally wrong with it in the slightest; the main criticisms it receives is largely from people who do not understand its teachings or philosophies.
The answer therefore is to learn more about it before you decide; there are a number of posters on this board who are pagan and no doubt they could find it in themselves to help you.
Sirona in particular is very nice
DB74 (Gary)
cyberdyne systems 101
I agree that you should investigate something first before you jump in because of an emotional response. Deal with your depresion first and then move on in your spiritual journey if need be. It seems to me you have some issue's with the JW's, so learn all you can about that, in order to have knowledge, this can really help to make some sense of it. Many people come out of the Witnesses and need something to replace that loss, but I would say its good to come to terms with that first before you move foward again. Above all do what is right for you not what me or any other poster thinks is the right path. There are quite a few here that have a varied experience in all faiths/belief's and would be more than happy to help you find out about whats out there.
edited to add: oh and welcome to the board!
CS 101
Meery Meet! And welcome to the board!!
Wicca is an old religion. We have the utmost respect for ALL religions. (Well almost, I don't have any for you-know-who, heeheehee!) There is nothing dark or evil about us. We honor nature, and everything around us. There is only one basic rule, harm none.
I'm not perfect, (believe it or not!)!! But this is where I've found my peace of mind. You must search out your own path!!
blessed be,
gordon d-- I love those comebacks!!
Hello and Merry Meet from another Wiccan,
Wicca is unlike most other religions in that there is not a central body of official Wiccans, nor is there any one leader. A lot of us are solitary practitioners, and our spirituality is a very personal sacred thing to us. Wicca allows me, personally, to balance and center myself as none other. I find the rituals are like a very interactive form of prayer or supplication.I have studied Wicca, and much of the earth-based or pagan paths, and take from it what resonates with me. I believe we each find our very own path to the divine (or we don't, and thats personal too). Good luck and blessings with your path.
Gordon, I love those come-backs too.