This evening I went for a stroll around the headland, camera at the ready hoping one of the last of the migrating whales appeared. Oh look, there's a fluffy dog. Ain't he cute ..
Hold still ya little stinky! Ah that's better...
Oh dear he's a Jehovah's Muttness! Here comes his owner and she's armed with a New World Translation
An hours discussion followers .. in which I learned many things. Sandra is a scitzophrenic Jehovah's Witness. She believes she has a powerful personal relationship with Jehovah. She witnessed events in 1975 but denies the Society promoted 1975 (I left her with some homework). Poor Sandra believes in miracles and is most likely shunned by many of her own congregation (Bega). I notice she is wearing a rough home made dress which makes me mad (I bet she's dirt poor and can't buy good cheap clothes readily available from the Babylon the Great run second hand shops. I bet no one ever offered to teach her how to sew or any thing else to make her life better.
At several points she got mad at me but mainly because, like most JW's, her preaching was less about me and more about justifying her own lifes choices. "The Society is not perfect but Jehovah God is" was her mantra. That dam "light keeps getting brighter" doctrine was a masterstroke. Anyway we had a long sometimes heated discussion but parted as friends. Sandra is passionate about her faith - it's all that stands between her and despair,. It's sad but true and illustrates why we will never completely 'beat' this religion. Damn crazy dub counted her time I bet!
Behold Look! a sign! Holes in the ozone layer!: