There was a time when most JW's solemly believed that the "end" was comming in their life time, that the preaching work was a life saving work and the most important work on earth and that the wts was God's organization, God's agency, the only channel of communication on earth. I think that most jws today somewhat still vagely believe that now but I wonder, what is going on in the minds and hearts of the jws today? What is everyone thinking?
What are the Elders thinking? What are JW's thinking?
by Fisherman 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
cyberdyne systems 101
Although no longer a witness, I am of the oppinion that its a lot easier to do and promote something you believe in. My own experience is that as a child I believed to the extent you can at that age, the older i got the less I saw it as a reality, and really the control technique's held me in a lot longer than where my mind was. I think that those in reinforce their belief's and deny themselves any doubts, and simply 'want' the organisation to be right. Be interested to hear from current JW's.
CS 101
CS 101 makes a good point. I also believe that many jws really want the wts to be right, although as time passes and the promises aren't being fulfilled many may be having private doubts.
Think how devastating a blow it would be for those who have spent a lifetime in the org if it was proved beyond doubt that the wts is wrong. They don't want to hear that kind of proof.
Elders and JWs in general don't think; they "believe." The only "thinking" done in that religion/cult is by the gb, and the only things they think about are how to hold on to their book-seller slaves and keep the money rolling in.
Even those JWs who don't wholeheartedly believe in the imminence of Armageddon are for the most part willing to drift with the current. -
"Small minds come in small packages"
Golf -
They used to teach their idea of Bible chronology to prove they were God's organization. They can't use that anymore as it proves that they aren't the one.
They are reduced to " we don't fight in wars", we all believe the same thing, we are no part of the world( voting, etc), our members don't commit immorality, etc.
Basically all the have left is a potpourri of teachings that only smell good to them. They don't think at all about the serious issues. The doctrinal flip-flops, 1914 generation, false prophecies, shunning and all outright lies that have been fed to them disquised as " meat in due season" . They just don't think.
My best friend is a JW. He was DF'ed and reinstated years ago. I stayed a faithful friend (but because I was in the cult, I had to refrain from hanging out with him for a year, sorry best friend). Anyway, now he knows I have doubts. I can tell him anything, but he is a faithful JW, so I cannot confirm that my doubts have settled against JW doctrine, they must remain doubts. Still, I am able to get away with telling him things that won't get back to the elders in my congregation, and cause a JC to form.
Anyway, he will typify the JW response. He recognizes the shortcomings of the borganization. He says that imperfect men are running it, they run ahead of their own understanding. They confuse flashes of light with real deep understanding and tell us dumb stuff like "7000 years to a Creation-Day," or "ditch the Bethel Family before they cost too much in healthcare." He says to serve Jehovah and allow Him to correct HIS organization. The organization, in his opinion, is the closest we have to "doing things God's ways." Just follow Jesus' example when dealing with sheep scattered about without a shepherd. Don't trample on them to follow doctrine, otherwise FOLLOW DOCTRINE. I am serious, he really believes that. Don't be too harsh on the spiritually weak, build them up. Don't criticize those that become inactive, assist them to be active. He would make a great elder one day, but he is too open about his own shortcomings, will probably never get appointed.
In other, more simple, words- This typical JW thinks- "Where else shall we go, you have sayings of everlasting life?"
They are mind-controlled just enough to see that the organization is not-quite-right, but it isn't WRONG. -
Think how devastating a blow it would be for those who have spent a lifetime in the org if it was proved beyond doubt that the wts is wrong. They don't want to hear that kind of proof.
To quote the Japanese emperor upon surrender to the allies," we must now endure the unendurable"Yes,the anguish and the agony,the sudden impact horror of having to renounce the life-long convictions of our hearts,it is devastating. Remember there is (a good) life after the Watchtower Serenity melody; ''..if this was the last of all days''...
we are no part of the world( voting, etc),
Check the Nov. 1st 1999 WT "questions from readers" next time a witness tells you they don't vote. Apparently it's okay to comprimise if there is pressure on you.