Welcome Heavy Hearted.
You are the head of your household. Your wife will be trained to obey you,
but to go around you to indoctrinate the child into the cult.
You will have to establish how much you will tolerate your daughter being
dragged to the meetings. While she is young, perhaps you can try the
"Let her decide each time if she wants to go, or stay home with Daddy."
Tell Mom that if she goes to the meeting, she should not bring toys or coloring
books. Mom won't be so sure how to counter that, daughter won't like going without.
If the daughter does go to meetings, regularly, you go once with them, and then
tell Mom how the daughter just plays or sleeps during meetings. Maybe she should
stay home if she's not paying attention to the meeting. Mom will be forced to make
her pay attention, then daughter can opt out of the meetings and stay with Dad.
I would refuse to let Mom take her into that field service, but if you
aren't babysitting, she will do it anyway. Make sure you ask what they did
today, keep asking if that is all they did, ask your daughter about it, too.
Allow her to spend time with your family at holidays. She will like holidays
and not want to give them up.