What reached you first

by Wendy_Warden 23 Replies latest watchtower bible


    When I was old enough to understand,nothing made sense to me..Nothing..I began to realize they were retarded..I don`t mean that as an insult.I mean it as an observation...OUTLAW

  • Honesty

    607 B.C. and the Faithless Indiscreet Slavers doctrine that rests solely upon a wrong date.

  • Mulan

    I am pretty sure it was the prodigal son parable, when we studied it in The Greatest Man book. It just seemed to me that the brother of the "lost" son, was like the JW's, and wanted to shun him when he returned after his life of debauchery.

    The father showed true, unconditional love, towards him. That issue just hit me in the face.

    Of course I suppressed it for a couple of years, but it always bothered me.

    Another one was Abraham being asked to kill Isaac, when in the book of Jeremiah "Jehovah" condemned the pagans for sacrificing their children to false gods, and he said it was something that never came into his heart. I never could reconcile that story to myself.

  • Abandoned

    A big thing for me was the acute lack of faith demonstrated by having so much fear of displeasing god. They paint this warm, fuzzy, cuddly picture of a kind, forgiving and wonderful god of love who will destroy the crap out of you if you don't follow his orders implicitly. There god sounds so much more like hitler than the person that created all the wonderful things we see around us.

  • Trippin2962

    it was a lot of work for me. Getting kids ready for the meetings, studying for the meetings, FS, assemblies, along with working a full time job. I always read that Jesus said his load was light, but in this religion it was anything but. My load was a MF and I just gave up. My marriage fell apart and the elders were not there to help. There was no love in the congregation, only condeming, judgemental looks from the so called "friends". On top of all that, I never felt good enough no matter how much I did, and was continually beat down at all the meetings for not doing enough.

    I eventually chose (what I thought was death) for a short period of normalcy in the real world. I found the XjW sites and discovered my doubts and questions were shared by many others. I was relieved to find the truth about "the truth" and all of you. I now feel fully normal (well, not quite) after about 9 yrs of research and posting here and other sites. Thanks guys.

  • free2beme

    10-15-95 Watchtower that changed the understanding on the Generation of 1914

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Welcome, Wendy.

    For me, it was repeatedly seeing people wrongfully disfellowshipped and/or mistreated by power-hungry elders. I understand (like my mom and many others have said to me) that they are imperfect men, but that does not mean they are not accountable for what they do. Besides that, I realized men who are really backed by God and holy spirit would never act like and say the things I've personally witnessed these so-called godly men say and do.

    They are also the biggest victim-blaming bunch out there, whether it's regarding pedophilia, sexual assault, or depression/suicidal tendencies (I'm sure there are plenty more, but those are just to name a few). I realized no organization of God's would be guilty of such things.

    Also, I was just so miserably unhappy. My friend helped me to realize that I don't have to go through life being so miserable. This means nothing to my family. Misery loves company, I guess.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Wendy,

    Here's my story. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/109978/1916656/post.ashx#1916656 It is kinda weird, but the movie "National Treasure" was a turning point for me!!


    Lady Liberty

  • crazyblondeb

    For me, it was my stepdad, a MS, molesting me for years. It got swept under the rug, but yet I called called into elders meetings for everything under the sun!!

    but the movie "National Treasure" was a turning point for me!!


    Lady Liberty

    How did that movie help?? Just curious, cause I saw it.

  • yaddayadda

    Depends what you mean by 'emptiness'.

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