What reached you first

by Wendy_Warden 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • parakeet

    When I realized the murderous and loathsome nature of the WTS blood policy.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    How did that movie help?? Just curious, cause I saw it.

    Dear Crazyblonde..

    YES!! Heres the link to how: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/109978/1.ashx

    Crazy but true!!


    Lady Liberty

  • purplesofa

    For me, it was listening to the answers at the WT studies and book studies. There was either a complete repeat of sentences in the paragraph or if anyone did say something not word for word........unless it was an elder or oldtimer.....you could tell it just did not sit well with the congregation.

    I hated the way we were taught in that way.

    Shoved down your throat, never knowing if you were interpreting things just right when you did not understand. And if you could not understand you must not have the right heart condition.


  • GoingGoingGone
    When I was old enough to understand,nothing made sense to me..Nothing..

    Same here, outlaw! I studied with a pioneer sister when I was young, and she later told me she used to leave my studies with headaches because I asked so many questions. Of course she left with headaches - there were no answers to the things I asked!! I left the studies frustrated.

    I got baptized anyway, to make my mother happy, and eventually married a JW and lived a good life - lots of friends, great social life. But all those years, in my subconscious mind, I KNEW the teachings were wrong. A medical crisis involving the use of blood thrust all those thoughts into my conscious mind. I wanted to please God, and I knew I had to leave.

    And I did. Best thing, and the most difficult thing, I've ever done.


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