((((((sparkplug and family)))))))
I am so sorry to read this. It is very upsetting to lose a pet.
by Sparkplug 30 Replies latest jw friends
((((((sparkplug and family)))))))
I am so sorry to read this. It is very upsetting to lose a pet.
It's so sad, they are part of the family. Has your breeder offer you another one? If that's the route you want, then go for it. After crying and grieving, I would demand my money back (I see these people on Judge Judy all the time who are suing the breeder for their lost beloved pet who was sick when they bought it) and then go to the local shelter and get a new little friend who's just dying to have a new home. Again, my condolences to you. I have a golden and if I lost her I would be a basket case.
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Sparky))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I'm so sorry abour your puppy. You are not silly. We get attached to the damned things, and when they die, especially so young, and you just got her, it's very upsetting. I'd be pissed with the breeder you got her from.
I've maintained, that when our boxer dies, we will not get another dog. I know we will, my husband and kids cannot live without a dog....and neither could I, truth be told.
Sparkplug, very sorry to hear about your puppy.
What a sad tale! ((((Sparkplug and family/roomies))))
By all means, I'd demand my money back from the breeder. Threaten to take out ads anywhere the breeder presently advertises telling your tale if s/he doesn't pay up, mentioning the dangers to which s/he exposed the other animals present at the exp. What irresponsibility!!!
But first, take care of yourself. You have a big week coming up.
I wish you peace.
So sorry
We do become attached to our pets quite easily, I for one am very attached to mine.
Have you called the breeder? They NEED to be alerted about the animals they are selling and try to make amends.
My step daughter got a boxer puppy and it died within a week too. They contacted the breeder and the money was refunded.
hugs to you all
Decki I am so sorry, animals are part of the family they give you unconditional love. Grieving and anger are normal. Keep your reciepts and call the breeder and ask for a refund. Was there any kind of papers that stated the puppys health? If so and even if not I would then tell them if they do not refund at least the purchase price of that sweet pup you will sue them in small claims court
Your friend Gary
Sorry Sparky...
is it too wrong to want to cry over a puppy to someone?
No...you are very hurt and sad, you have feelings. I'm 50 yrs old and I cried over two of my chickens that got mualed two days ago, they weren't dead and I had to put them down. I raised them as pets, and when i had to put them down I cried. the two dogs were put down also, very sad. ( I live in a ranch/farm area, animals that kill livestock are not tolarated) Your sadness and grief show you as a loving and caring woman. I feel your lose. Mike
((((Sparks)))), I'm sorry you're going through this. Just keep reminding yourself, it isn't a flaw to have opened up your heart to that puppy enough to make you cry when it died.
is it too wrong to want to cry over a puppy to someone?
Stupid I know. I am just really sad and mad and tired.
No your not stupid to cry over this. I cried also when my pet died. I would tackle the place that sold him to you