"Through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned." Romans 5:12
This verse has been used to prove that Adam was responsible for sin and death.
From a Christian standpoint, this is true.
Did Adam really know the full effects of eating the forbidden fruit?
"In the day you positively eat from it, you will die." Genesis 2:17
Adam did know that eating the forbidden fruit meant his death. But did he know that he would cause the death of every living person that was to be born later?
Why did God not tell him in advance what would happen to his children if he had sinned?
For this reason, it could be said that Adam was the catalyst for all of the world's problems, but that had he known in advance that his actions would affect billions of people, he may not have done what he did.
Do you hold Adam personally responsible for human suffering, or do you see a man who though that only he and his wife would be affected by their sin?