Sexual child abuse is the flavor of the day.
But to me the whole JW religion is child abuse. Sometimes through the parents directaly, i.e. "spare the rod and spoil the child."
I think it more a long the lines of munchausen syndrome by proxy. Where the abuse of the child reflects the "righteousness" of the parents.
Perfect example JW child get bullied in school even extreme bullying. The parents feel great because they can see that they must be living in Jesus' example.
They also have something to boast about to their JW club members, ok little jonny got a borken nose for standing up for his believes.
Adding to the physical and mental abuse, more mental abuse is heaped upon the child by answers such as "Oh in school everbody gets bullied" etc.
At the same time they deny their stupid religious traditions can do anything bad to children.
Non Sexual Child abuse.
by vomit 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Good thread vomit
When my children were small - 2 & 8 - I was told by the well meaning elders (directed of course by the borg) that I needed to be seen to be smacking my children at the kingdom hall to make them sit quietly throughout the meeting. At our hall children had also to stay awake for the entire meeting. I don't know perhaps my children were particularly naughty, but another sister who's children had grown up said `you have to wallop them'.
I was so upset I anonomously rang the NSPCC. They warned me that they would take my children away, they said if I did that it would come out eventually.
I also rang a wise elder from another cong. Fortunately he told me that if spanking did not work for me I shouldn't use that form of discipline.
At this time I also became very ill and could not attend many meeting and one or other of my children would stay home with me.
Its appalling the situation the borg puts parents in and how that is magnified by despotic elders
Indeed I think you are on to something there. I know there was much self righteousness surrounding whose kids were doing what. Most JWs have a martyrdom thing going on, I knew some that used to brag about not having any friends or any time for themselves.
Sexual child abuse is the flavor of the day.
But to me the whole JW religion is child abuseBorn 1957 3rd gen JW seen it all
My profile:
I was 'born in' 1957 to hard core pioneer parents who were reviled for getting 'knocked up' with your's truly (armageddon coming any minute don't have babies) --------- My family started out broken by the watchtower and stayed poor, we lived hand to mouth and the watchtower ruled us with an iron fist. ------- Had a brutal time going to school during the 'better dead than red' super nationalism of the early 1960's. I got beat up in the school yard while the WT leaders who ran my show and made my rules had personal bodyguards. --------- They made us all dysfunctional with their 1975 fiasco (it's all your fault for serving jehover for a date) Damn you Watchtower psychopath flunky tyrants. -------- Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
Jehovah's Witness child abuse goes well beyond the physical. Look at the poor little bastard below.
I photographed him a couple of days ago running about delivering "good News #37".
Certainly children suffer because of the Watchtower and the stupid ideas it gives their parents.
I remember standing in baking heat, and freezing cold, pouring rain and sleet with those stupid mags. I remember wanting the toilet, feeling ill, having a high temp, vomiting in the toilets cos I was already ill but being forced to those crap meetings. I remember being teased mercilessly for being a 'religious freak' at school by some dumb asses, though I always had good, genuine non JW friends who cared at school. But I was one of those with fanatical parents who could not see past the Watchotwer's stupid ideas.
I remember being intimidated by parents who only cared about what 'people will say' at the Kingdom Hall and being afraid to do anything because that's how they lived and still live......afraid of judgement from other freaks at the KH!
I remember kids being knocked into next week for making noise, crying, fidgeting at the shit meetings.
I remember being told that it didn't matter that I got A's in everything at school, as Armageddon was coming soon and I would spend the rest of my life being someone's wife, cooking and cleaning, (and probably cleaning away millions of dead bodies) and so, I 'didn't need a good education!'
I had no hope or plans for the future, which is against everything a child should have. A child should have dreams of what they want to be and do in the future. I did, but was constantly told there was no point as Armageddon is coming SOON!
The whole religion is for people who have No Hope or Dreams!
Everything you succeed at is pointless and worthless. All that matters is a child sells mags, gets baptised, answers at meetings, and puts in a report. Nothing, no other achievement is ever praised.
The whole religion abuses children because it allows them no REAL hopes and dreams for the future.
A young JW relative of mine, was scoring level 6 in his SATS at age 9, something he should be doing at 14/15. His parents want him to be a plumber so he can work for free for the Watchtower at Quick builds!
That's abuse. A clever boy like him, doctor, teacher, scientist, etc material......he's going to learn to be a plumber, pioneer and work part time and work for free at quick builds. Tell me that's not abusive!
The Watchtowers ideals takes away childrens futures!
This entire thread posted by Maximus is a must read.
The October 1 Watchtower 2001 features articles on training children "properly" and dealing with a "prodigal child."
The latest inside U.S. figures reveal that 86% of JW children leave the fold, with some 29% who eventually come back for reasons of family ties, most never "reaching out." That means over HALF leave permanently. These figures have been virtually the same for a number of years now. Well known is the fact that many kids lead a double life; that is, they put on a Witness face while attempting to live more normally away from scrutiny.
In its usual truthful fashion, the Watchtower says: "There are hundreds of thousands of young ones who serve Jehovah happily ... Why, then, do other young ones leave?" Uh, that's over eight out of ten, remember?
Answers: 'Losing out on what the world offers, protective sheepfold too restrictive, peer pressure, hypocrisy on part of the parents or some other Christian.'
It's about "spiritual weakness," we are told. "Not having an accurate knowledge." "A youth who admitted that he had been swallowed up in the way of the world began to appreciate spiritual values. What helped him turn around? Responding to a suggestion to read the whole Bible, he kept to a regular Bible reading schedule." (Why don't I buy this?)
They trot out the tried and true recommendations: "Being reasonable includes preparing the children's heart so that they are ready to accept counsel." Family study, daily Scriptural discussion.
Why not try your family study on meeting nights? Now that's a practical suggestion! "The family was always together on the nights of the congregation meetings ... all three children are now baptized servants of Jehovah." Ah, yes, they cite the perfect family study in which a grown son says: "It was one of the most enjoyable evenings in the week."
Ooops! Here's what NOT to do: "In one congregation, well-meaning adults who wanted to help some youths who had become spiritually weak invited them to gatherings to play popular music together. Though the youths readily complied [sic!] and enjoyed such sessions, their influence on one another eventually led them to cut their ties with the congregation."Aaaannnnkkk! No more "gatherings."
I won't go through all the Talmudic stuff on when a child is DFd; no prayer publicly in his behalf, blah, blah. But here's a gem: "Parents MIGHT pray that if God FINDS A BASIS for pardoning the child's error, that His will be done. Hearing these prayers should help the youth to see Jehovah as a merciful God." (I have a picture in my head of God sitting on his throne, desperately trying to come up with some legal basis for pardoning a wayward kid.)
Words, words, words. Their tenor is fine, but I can stomach no more. This is the same tired, tedious approach I personally have seen over and over and over again, for over half a century. Isn't there a definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results?If only a few were leaving, why publish this article?
What's your experience with kids who lead double lives and who finally leave the organization?
Gill said:
Certainly children suffer because of the Watchtower and the stupid ideas it gives their parents.
I remember standing in baking heat, and freezing cold, pouring rain and sleet with those stupid mags. I remember wanting the toilet, feeling ill, having a high temp, vomiting in the toilets cos I was already ill but being forced to those crap meetings. I remember being teased mercilessly for being a 'religious freak' at school by some dumb asses, though I always had good, genuine non JW friends who cared at school. But I was one of those with fanatical parents who could not see past the Watchotwer's stupid ideas.
I remember being intimidated by parents who only cared about what 'people will say' at the Kingdom Hall and being afraid to do anything because that's how they lived and still live......afraid of judgement from other freaks at the KH!
I remember kids being knocked into next week for making noise, crying, fidgeting at the shit meetings.
I remember being told that it didn't matter that I got A's in everything at school, as Armageddon was coming soon and I would spend the rest of my life being someone's wife, cooking and cleaning, (and probably cleaning away millions of dead bodies) and so, I 'didn't need a good education!'
I had no hope or plans for the future, which is against everything a child should have. A child should have dreams of what they want to be and do in the future. I did, but was constantly told there was no point as Armageddon is coming SOON!
The whole religion is for people who have No Hope or Dreams!
Everything you succeed at is pointless and worthless. All that matters is a child sells mags, gets baptised, answers at meetings, and puts in a report. Nothing, no other achievement is ever praised.
The whole religion abuses children because it allows them no REAL hopes and dreams for the future.
A young JW relative of mine, was scoring level 6 in his SATS at age 9, something he should be doing at 14/15. His parents want him to be a plumber so he can work for free for the Watchtower at Quick builds!
That's abuse. A clever boy like him, doctor, teacher, scientist, etc material......he's going to learn to be a plumber, pioneer and work part time and work for free at quick builds. Tell me that's not abusive!
The Watchtowers ideals takes away childrens futures!
Well said Gill, Jehovah's Witnesses also sever all conections to their own personal history, ancestory and country. They are pressured to live as "no part of this world." Living in a twilight zone seperated from their past, present and future leaves them floating free, all the more eager to cling to the Watchtower life raft.
Unclebruce - 'The Twilight Zone'! One of the most accurate descriptions I've heard of life as a JW.
The whole belief, it's structures and workings are unreal!
No wonder people who leave the bOrg, not just physically but mentally as well, become so happy, no matter what else is going on in their lives.
Yes Gill,
for most sane people to be truly happy freedom is essential. Once living a cult free life we appreciate even the smallest of freedoms. The freedom to buy a lottery ticket, smoke a cigarrette, watch a sexy video, say the word "lucky" or even just think a few bawdy thoughts