Revelation 17:17 Meaning please?

by purplesofa 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • purplesofa


    Do you agree with the meaning of each of these?

    From what I have learned in the bible....yes.

    I posted a thread on scripting

    I can't help but feel we are locked into this "bible story" and it will be played out. That this is going to happen whether WE believe or not. When so many of the people believe and put so much stock in the bible writings........they read the scriptures....the power of suggestion is there.

    We are either spectators to what is going on, a part of what is going on, or totally oblivious to what is going on. But we are all effect by it, or will in the future

  • Abandoned

    What is the color of water? Is it murky, brown, or green?

    If it is Crystal Clear it is from God. It appears light blue with a shallow depth, but darker blue with a deeper depth. I answered my own question in explanation. Words have no meaning if they provide no answer to a question.

    Ah, the old crystal clear water scripture. I remember that one. Where is that again? Is that right next to the one on arrogantly blowing somebody off because they don't accept your explanation of something? I get all these things confused, but I'm sure you have it all straight, what with your ability to see through water and all.

  • purplesofa

    From my perspective.........this is what we have been taught from the bible.

    When you see the world powers fail miserably as they do, and peoples feelings towards religion becoming more and more negative, Whether It is actually true or not right now to me is not the issue. The news media is broadcasting it .....bringing it to the forefront. Why? Why give Elton John story time to tell that he thinks religion should be done away with, over the starving children in Darfur.........there is so much going on in the world and what we hear is cherry picked for a reason.

    So if God is putting it in the minds of people to carry out his purpose, we have only been pawns in his grand scheme of things.

    If we were ever to believe we had the power to make things different, no matter how hard we tried, worked on it....this only shows that we did not.


  • Abandoned

    Revelations Chapter 22, verses 1 and 2.

    You stated that John was under the influence of ludes, did you not? Where does it say that in the bible? A question from the bible should be answered from the understanding of the words written in the bible. Do you agree with this? Where did I say that I can see through water? How should I reply to your words that have no backing? You defame the Author of the bible and His prophet John by saying he was under the influence of a drug created by man.

    First of all, we haven't even defined terms. You are running with the assumption that the bible was written by God. I however believe that it's just a book used by people throughout history to justify killing fellow humans that they didn't like. Now, if you still want to continue this conversation, I'd be glad to (lets start our own thread because that was kind of rude of me).

  • Abandoned
    I believe the bible was written by man under Divine Inspiration, you do not. We have no foundation to form a basis of understanding since we disagree. I choose not to continue a discussion with you. You can start your own thread if you like. Have a good evening.

    Bye bye!!! Thanks for playing.

  • purplesofa

    I guess as much as I would like to think mankind could make the change, the bible says ..........Jehovah has put it in those poeples heart to fulfill his purpse.

    If you are a believer, then your energies are best spent elsewhere, PREACHING, I suppose?

    This is where I do not believe any one religion can say that only THERE people are the ones to be saved.

    HIs grievance is with the governments, that think they can rule without GOD. The entire theme of the bible is Gods Kingdom.

    Religion and Governments are at odds with God. I am hoping his goal to destroy the thoughts of the governments and religion.........that is what he is putting in their hearts.......and he will make the changes in that way. To annilate billions of people, that are subjects of the very governments that God has allowed to be on the earth does not seem just IMO.

    I am trying to get back on topic......but my mind is all over the place.


  • purplesofa

    Thanks Spoken.......

    I am down for the night too.

    again thanks


  • purplesofa


    what happened to all of spokens comments????

    who can remove them?

  • Abandoned

    I hope it wasn't anything I said...

  • bikerchic


    what happened to all of spokens comments????

    who can remove them?

    Spoken aka; Brownboy has once again been removed from this forum.

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