JW teenage pregnancies...............did you know of any ?

by vitty 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    I was in the bOrg for 20 of my adult years and I must say that in all that time I only knew of one sister who got pregnant before she was married. She was given a public reproof and was never treated badly.

    Considering a lot of the teenagers did most things they shouldnt have and many did get reproved for immorality, I am surprised that many didnt get pregnant. Especially as they would of likely not have been taking contraception.

    Was this common in you KH or area?

  • lisavegas420

    I knew a girl that got pregnant at 15 and didn't tell her parents until right before she went into labor. Then her parents allowed the baby's father to visit his child in their home...9 months later she had a second child by the same man. So two children before 17...then a few years later while living in her own apartment, she claimed a man broke in and raped her so she had three children before 20 years old. I remember her saying that she could not scream becasuse her two other children were home and she didn't want to alarm or scare them.

    I got pregnant at 18, not married.... and was not df'd...instead the cong rallied around me and even though me a baby shower. A hugh affair with everyone there.


  • fokyc

    Yes, we had at least one, an elders daughter, it was never mentioned and seemed to be just accepted by everybody.

    The dubs are no different from the world, they have the same hormones etc. which drive them.


  • jwfacts

    There is a couple in my last cong that did the deed very early in their courtship, and she fell pregnant with twins. Another friend fell pregnant to a guy at her work, was d/f for it, and dumped.

    You have to wonder how many have secret abortions to avoid getting disfellowshipped.

  • crazyblondeb

    I got pregnant at 19, but had already left. The elder who made my life miserable for years, well his daughter got pregnant in high school by a "wordly" boy, and she had to marry him. He always looked down his nose at me.

    I know of 2 abortions, that were very "hush-hush".

  • Amazing

    I knew of several. JWs are not exempt, nor are they any different than the rest of the world on this issue.

    Jim Whitney

  • 95stormfront

    I know of a few. One in particular.....her elder father kicked her out the house and sent her to live with a relative clear across the other side of the country. His position and saving face in the congregation was more important to him than compassion for his daughter.

    He was eventually stripped of his position anyway for reasons neither he, nor the person who ratted him out, will talk about. Though it was a classic case of "what goes around comes around" that veil of secrecy must be maintained for the good of the wh-organization.

  • Woofer

    I used to date a guy who's dad was the presiding overseer in their congregation. The daughter ended up pregnant by another brother and they got married but they were both DF. About 4 years later she got pregnant by a guy she worked with while still married. ..was DF again. I have no idea if she got reinstated or not.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I knew of a couple in our hall. One was only just 16 when she gave birth, and the other was just turned 18. Both fathers were non jws, so the elders couldn't do anything to them, and both sisters were publicly reproved.

  • blondie

    I was a teenager in the 60's and there were many JW girls that got pregnant before being married. Those were the days that unchaperoned dating was allowed between teenagers under 18.............................................then suddenly several of my contemporaries were pregnant and not married (married soon after that though). Talks on "toying with sexual immorality" and unchaperoned dating and dating too young for recreation came out.

    With the stricter rules, teenage pregnacies decreased some but did not disappear. About one or 2 every year.


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