JW teenage pregnancies...............did you know of any ?

by vitty 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • calico

    I know of several teenage pregnancies over the years--seems they were always very young--15! I also recall two single adult sisters who became pregnant.

  • mama1119

    I know of a 16 year old pioneer that got pregnant by another pioneer, they were both df and then reinstated. She ended up pregnant again by some other guy(JW), he married someone else. I know another 15 year old, but she wasn't baptized so everyone was okay with it.

  • Ingenuous

    I knew of quite a few, including some in the various congregations in our shared Hall and in JW families close to my own.

    It made my parents feel the need to create a new rule: Get pregnant once, we'll help you. Get pregnant twice, you're outta here!

  • Scully

    There were quite a few in my area.

    One Elder™'s daughter was the first one of my acquaintance. I can remember some holier-than-thou busybody elderette verbally backstabbing her too: "She said IT only happened once!! [apparently that was confidential intel from the JC] *snort* That's what you call your lucky shot!! hahahaha" I hated that b*tchy old battle axe.

    There were others who said they'd been raped. There was one who swore that she didn't know how she'd gotten pregnant - she said she didn't remember having sex! They DFd her, not even considering that she may have been drugged. Their position was that she was somewhere she oughtn't have been, so she was responsible for what happened.

    Of all the girls I knew who became pregnant out of wedlock, I know that almost all of them got DFd for Bringing Reproach On The Organization™. The JW boys who got them pregnant could say that they didn't do it, and could say that the girls were slandering them. They still got to handle the microphones.


    Yes. In all the cases it was handled with a JC. The dubs are not exempt. They are trying to instill good values though as I am in my children. The harsh punishment of some at such a young age is regrettable.


  • GoingGoingGone

    I knew of several. One girl who I grew up with, she didn't tell anyone until about a month before she gave birth. She was very heavy, and you could see her getting bigger but we thought she was just putting on more weight. Her parents were actually relieved because they thought she had a tumor or something causing her to get so overweight so quickly. The guy was worldly.. she wasn't baptized at the time so everything was ok, although her dad had to step down as an elder.

    In our circle of friends, I know of 3 couples who needed to get married because she got pregnant, and I know that several others were doing it before the wedding vows, too. In our current congregation a girl got pregnant, 15 years old.

    I know that many JWs mess around before they get married, too. The ones hung out to dry are those who get caught or who get pregnant. I really don't think there are very many who wait until their wedding day, although I know that there are a few.


  • JWdaughter

    I must have been in the most unpromiscuous congregation. I know of one guy who was disfellowshipped (later re-instated) for sexual immorality. One JW girl who got preg by a LDS boy(!)-they married. One young woman who had a baby and was disfellowshipped, but was re-instated soon after baby was actually born and then pioneered while raising him and living with her mom. THey were both over the moon about that baby-he was a gift. I don't think she ever apologised or made excuses to ANYONE about being an unmarried mom-she dealt with the elders on their terms, but the rest of them were totally on HER terms. I admired her attitude a great deal. She held her head high and her child proudly. Most of the ones I knew married young and badly.

  • lisavegas420
    One Elder™'s daughter was the first one of my acquaintance. I can remember some holier-than-thou busybody elderette verbally backstabbing her too: "She said IT only happened once!! [apparently that was confidential intel from the JC] *snort* That's what you call your lucky shot!! hahahaha" I hated that b*tchy old battle axe.

    that was me. Yep..I told the elder we only did it once.


  • aarque

    When I was in my early teens my older sister, who had left home already got pregnant and was disfellowshipped. After that, whenever I just talked to any young man at the hall the PO would pull me aside and tell me to watch my step because I would end up just my sister. Geez....

  • sandy

    I can think of three at the moment in my local area.

    One I remeber told the elder she was raped. All her friends knew the truth. She ended up having another baby with her rapist. I think she married him too.

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