I think he showed courage to walk out and not take part in this jackass committee. The WT wants "loose conduct" to include disobedience because they can't get people to stay in line any other way. Apostasy charges can bring lawsuits. But "loose conduct" will start the rumors flying that it was a sexual offense, which they no doubt are happy about, since that will hurt someone leaving worse than the apostasy charge.
It's disgusting that this Nazi cult has to stoop so low to keep people in line. I don't know how anyone is dumb enough to remain, unless it's to keep their family.
The hypocrisy here is that many of the elders are sexual perverts themselves and truly have earned the charge of "loose conduct". What else can you call men who tolerate child abuse, or in many cases, do it themselves? Isn't it "loose conduct" to interrogate a young girl as to what she did sexually with a pedophile? I've hammered on this for years and won't stop. Men who have no training in psychology, and get their jollies from doing so, have no business having ANY meeting with child abuse victims, male or female, but especially female. How many elders view pornography or have impure thoughts while thinking about the child abuse cases they conducted? I don't trust any of those animals. You elders are pigs.
The WT has now, beyond any doubt, become worse than the Pharisees it always trashes. They are the biggest hypocrites in the world. This cult should be outlawed in the entire world. I know of no country that was constructively "helped" by this group of lying Gestapo agents. Damn you all to hell.