Who else would never accept to go to a Judicial Committee?

by JH 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman

    To accept an "invitation" to a JC is to acknowledge they have power over you and that you feel some obligation towards them. If a telemarketer called you on the phone and asked if you would mind spending two hours being raked over the coals for what others perceive are your personal failings, would you accept? You treat these guys with the same contempt. They are totally irrelevant to your new life. Tell them that, and move on.

  • blondie

    Never, you are guilty until proven innocent at those events. There are 3 of them and one of you, so if they lie, how can you prove it?

    I would never go.


  • JH
    you are guilty until proven innocent at those events.

    The law shouldn't permit the existence of such a religion.

  • XU

    Me, back then, knowing what I know now. I went to relieve pressure on my parents - even though I had moved out 2 years prior. Got DF'd, has screwed my relationship to this day, 7 years later.

  • whyamihere

    I would GO - Most definitely!

    They can throw whatever they want in my face - I would do the same to them!

    I have put my "FULL" name up here, I haven't hid my new way of life. I have pretty much let them come and get me - yet they haven't.

    Why? Oh maybe because they know I have info on people(them) and I am not to shut my mouth.

    One of these days..........

  • hambeak

    I would never go to one a while back a member of the JC in a local congregation wanted to meet with me because they know I am "inactive" and wanted to discuss some things that have come to their attention. I told them I was never a member of that particular congregation and had no desire to meet with them what so ever. Don't know what happened and couldn't care less

  • minimus

    I'd never DA myself. And since I know the real deal behind a JC, I would not give a care about what they decide. They are no masters over me. Besides, by JWs, if you don't go to meetings and word is out you're not a good Christian, they "disfellowship" you on their own. They assume that evn if you're not announced, you're still "wicked" in God's eyes.

  • moshe

    Once I sent my goodbye letter WT headquarters in NY, I never responded to anymore invitaitions to meet with th Elders. They had as much power over me as a court martial summons from the French Foreign Legion.

  • Justice-One

    Nope. No way, no how would I ever submit to a Kangaroo Court lead by a bunch of gas pumpers. BTW, what happens if they ask you to come in, and you ask them if they have two witnesses? Because if not, you do not see the need to waste your time, because you are not going to admit to anything. (Admit nothing, deny everything, demand proof.)

  • Justice-One
    They are no masters over me. Besides, by JWs, if you don't go to meetings and word is out you're not a good Christian, they "disfellowship" you on their own. They assume that evn if you're not announced, you're still "wicked" in God's eyes.

    Man you got that right. For a long time before I quit going altogether, only ONE person would talk to me at the Hall....and he was an Elder. And I got the distinct impression that he was on a "fishing expedition."

    I remember one time when one of my sons friends came up to me and started asking me questions about hunting and camping, and the time I spend in the mountains. I was just standing there having a nice conversation with him, when another "brother" rushes up, interupts me, and starts talking to this kid. (And when I say kid, I mean about 17 or so.) He also gives me one of the coldest looks I had ever received. Then without letting me get a word in, he tells this kid that he needs to see him outside. The kid never talked to me again.

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