Who else would never accept to go to a Judicial Committee?

by JH 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Woofer

    I refused to go and and they d/f me anyways. .I figured why sit through the inquisition. I wanted out anyways. I wish now I DA myself instead. I think my parents view DA differently then DF. My sister DA herself and they still talked to her. They won't talk to me - only write a few letters here and there telling me to come back before it's too late.

  • Mary

    I'd tell them to kiss my arse if they decided they wanted me to go to a Judicial Committee.......Last time I checked, I still lived in a free country and am under no obligation to meet with these guys if I don't want to.

  • Jim_TX

    I ain't been for so long now (over 20 years) that their 'influence' on me is nil. I wouldn't go to their kangaroo court - they hold no power over me (didn't hold much over me in the past, too).

    A fella DID phone me once - ohhhhh... about 4 years ago... and introduced himself (I haven't ever heard of him), and started asking me if I was still interested in being a JW.

    I started to reply - then remembered their '2 witness' rule - and asked him if there were someone else on the line. There was. I told him to have a nice day - and hung up.

    I suppose... they might have announced my demise at their next meeting... but so few people remember me... what difference would it make? sheesh


    Jim TX

  • blondie

    Actually, you can't be df'd for just not attending the JC; they must have 2 witnesses to the wrongdoing or proof that will satisfy all 3 elders and the CO. So if they have proof that you smoked or proof that you are living with someone you aren't married to, not showing up won't stop them df'ing you.

    But if they have no such proof, then not showing up doesn't automatically lead to a df'ing.

    Elders can lie and stretch the truth, but it is hard to get all 3 to agree on their story. They have to put something down on the form they send to New York.


  • Sunspot
    Nope, no kangaroo court for me either. In my mind going along with and to their JC validates it. I absolutely refuse to play their little games with them.

    I refused to meet with them for the very same reasons. After ignoring me for months and months (except to call me to see if I had any "time" to report each month) when I was disabled and quite ill and in pain 24/7..........I wrote THEM a letter stating that I wan't "out" and just WHY. They THEN banged on my door day and night and tried to call too.

    I refused to acknowledge their "attempts to now talk to me" just because THEY wanted to. I'm sure they recognized that they were not calling me "out of any love" they had for me---as a person (up until then a loyal and obedient JW) ---but because I had said that THEIR LACK of love was what made me doubt the organization in the first place. Discovering all that I did online....was just added proof that it and THEY were a sham. After writing that---I had nothing to SAY and didn't want to hear anything THEY had to say. I still (seven years) have not seen a letter from them or have I been told directly what my status is. I can only assume it isn't favorable....which is just the way I wanted it.


  • becca1

    If I ever get invited I think I'll politely decline.

  • Finally-Free

    I wouldn't go, and I'd tell them to never phone me or knock on my door again. While I could easily refute anything they might say to me, I feel no desire to. I dislike JWs, and we really have nothing to say to each other. I feel no need to save them from themselves.


  • jaguarbass

    I was never df either. After I decided to walk away, no one came after me. Had they, I would not have gone to their committe. I made my mind up never to go back to a kingdom hall.

  • mouthy

    They told me I could attend the court.... I said no thanks....Because when they came to my house They asked if I belived they were the Faithful & discreet slave ...I said if you disfellowship me I will know your not....So when I was D/F a couple of weeks later....It was proof.... Although I really never believed they would d/f me. So the last laugh was on them
    But I feel like sending the three elders that came to my house Thank-You cards NOW!!!!

  • mouthy

    I'd tell them to kiss my arse (Mary said)

    HMMM I have seen that part of your body!!!! They may take you up on the offer

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