I am feeling surrounded .....
by troubled mind 15 Replies latest jw friends
(((troubled mind)))
To quote a popular band: "Paranoia, paranoia, everybody's looking to kill me..."
Sad emo
(((troubled mind)))
keep talking....
Here's the lyrics of the song I was just listening to when I opened your post -
I whisper,"you don't have to worry, we'll survive"
Forced smiles underneath the brittle, frozen light
No proof that you're alive
Cold fingers find the curve below your tired eyes
No comfort in familiar places, not this time
You hold it deep inside
Oh sister, if you wake up in the night
Walls are falling, letting in the light
No need to worry
Baby, even angels cry
No flood warnings, still the waters rise
Flowers through asphalt, diamonds in the pockets of your eyes
Turn your face and hide
I saw a woman with ribbons in her hair
Old and lonely, so beautiful I had to stop and stare
The well will not run dry
Oh sister, if you wake up in the night
Walls are falling, letting in the light
No need to worry
Baby, even angels cry
Oh sister, if you wake up in the night
Walls are falling, letting in the light
No need to worry
Baby, even angels cry
Cry sister, if you wake up in the night
Walls are falling, letting in the light
It'll be alright
Baby, even angels cry
Baby, please don't worry -
W TOP - W K... - War Lyrics - Why Can't We Be Friends? Lyrics Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
I seen ya around for a long long time
I really remember you when you drank my wine
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
I'd seen ya walkin' down in Chinatown
I called ya but you could not look around
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
I pay my money to the welfare line
I see ya standing in it every time
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
The color of your skin don't matter to me
As long as we can live in harmony
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
I'd kinda' like to be the president
So I could show you how your money's spent
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Sometimes I don't speak right
But yet I know what I'm talking about
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
I know you're working for the CIA
They wouldn't have you in the mafia
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
(fade) -
troubled mind
Sorry my computer is acting up this mornng and I'm having a hard time getting posts to go through ........ Any whoooo .....What I was going to say about being surrounded was that this weekend ANOTHER witness family move in down the street . That makes FIVE families on the very next block to me ! This is a small town ...I can not go anywhere w/o the stares from some dear old "friend " that only a year ago were supposedly my spiritual FAMILY . All I have done is stop going to meetings . They stare w/o waving looking at me as if something strange was growing out of my head . Last week a pair stopped at our door and gave my husband the Death to the World tract . He didn't say what they said to him, but it was congenial and quick . Also in the last two days I have gotten phone calls from the woman that studies w/ witnesses here in town . She has schizophrenia , but refuses to be treated anymore or accept that is her problem. She calls me because I have always been nice to her . I try to keep her at arms lenghth and not get involved , but d**mit it is like a wounded animal . I feel like I have to try and help even if there is a chance I could get bitten . She is very smart , and although she has delusions about the actions of some of the Elders , alot of what she says is right on the money. Last night she commented that the women at the hall are mostly drugged ( many sisters here are on sleeping pills and anti depressants ) to cope with being so suppressed by the men , and the young people are opressed into never having a normal life . She recognizes how cliquish the hall is , and how those related by family get special treatment. She asked "Why does the Watchtower say one thing and the people do another ".
((((troubled mind))))
With 5 jw families in close proximity, and this woman continually ringing you, I'm not surprised you feel surrounded. I'll bet it feels like there's no escape for you. Don'tlet it get you down, you are doing the right thind, escaping all that.
take care
Wasanelder Once
Feeling a little like this?
troubled mind
The witnesses have covinced her this is the "truth" and when they kick her to the curb for misbehavior she is so weighed down with guilt she can't deal . She thinks Jehovah hates her because she can't do all the witnesses require of her . She wants to know how I can no longer attend and yet be happy .She asked "Arn't you afraid , ....do you think God still loves you ? " . She just can't make sense of it all . They have twisted her already fragile mental state . I carefully weigh my words so when she goes back to the Elders I don't sound too apostate . Last night I told her to listen to her gut . If going to the hall made her feel bad, if the people there made her feel guilty, and unloved , then maybe she needed to ask herself "is that what truth should be like ." I told her to read Romans 1-3.... I asked "How did Jesus make the people feel that came to hear him teach ? " How did he treat those people ? Wouldn't the true religion reflect his example .If they don't then maybe they are not really teaching the truth . ....Now she just called back and wants me to talk to her sister that is also studying (and also confused as to why the witnesses make them feel like crap ) I know why.....they have both studied three years have many health related problems and JW's don't have the skills to really help those kinds of people . If you can't participate fully at knocking on doors , then sorry you are on the bottom of the list for attention.
troubled mind
(((((Wasanelderonce )))) yep !!!!
AK - Jeff
Sounds like a true 'witness neighborhood' indeed. If it was mine, I would plan a huge 4th of July this summer - four hours of booms and whistles right on the block. I bet they would miss the service group the following morning.
But then that is just me - I am an evil apostate. Hehee
Sorry for your dilemna really [[[[[[[[Troubled Mind]]]]]]]]. Invite them all in for milk and cookies. Since you seem to be 'fading', it is always harder to kill one's hostage when she has befriended you. Never know when it might come in handy that you did so.