I am feeling surrounded .....

by troubled mind 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I don't know if you could consider us as fading ......we just flat out QUIT ! I do hold back because my adult children are still active . If that were not the case ....my house would blind the neighborhood with Xmas lights . To piss off the JW neighbors I'd hire my son's punk band to play rocked out Christmas carols and invite all his tattooed , pierced buddies to go door to door collecting for Toys for Tots ! Alas I am too nice , at least that's what I keep telling people !

  • jgnat

    Schizophrenics have enough trouble sorting out human interactions. My son, too, quickly gets anxious when words don't match expression.

  • dobbie

    I know the feeling, a jw lives next door to me, and he is moving out soon to be replaced by three of them!Also my son has FOUR other jws in his school class which means i have to be in close proximity twice a day with them, or the jw grandparents etc. They would have got my d'a letter today and it would be so much easier if i didn't feel surrounded by them all! My husband says to hold my head up and just think that its them with the problem, but thats easy for him to say cos he won't be going through it!lol! Hugs to you cos it i had 5 jw families on my street i think i'd go looopy!

  • rebel8

    1 way to think about it is....Aargh! I'm surrounded!

    Another way to think about it is....As long as I have to live on Commune Street, I am going to have fun with it! (I have an offbeat sense of humor so bear with me.) Think of all the fun you can have! If you can't have witches covens over for a backyard bbq and drumming circle, then do silly things like put purple hair spray on and mow your lawn like that. Rent a very expensive car with tinted windows, and have a friend in a suit with big dark glasses pull into your driveway on a Saturday with a few "bodyguards" to make them think you are hob nobbing with celebrities. At night when no one's watching, put a big banner on your door that says, "Congratulations for winning the Nobel Peace Prize"!

    Just imagine how much energy they will put into gossipping about you.....all the more energy taken away from true worship.....muaahahahaha Keep them guessing.

  • jaguarbass

    I think of the old song "for what its worth" by buffalo springfield "Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep, start when your always alone, step out of line, someone takes you away."

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Phew!! Relieved to see you posted again, troubled mind! Hope you liked the lyrics anyway

    I sort of understand your discomfort, I was in a similar situation when I left the RC's - they kept hassling me "when are you coming back to us?"

    They seemed to have no comprehension of the words "I'm not"

    Now I just get the sympathetic 'poor lost soul' treatment from most of them, but hey, that's their problem, I'm not ashamed of what I've done because I've done nothing wrong! It annoys them that I won't do the guilt trip and return - and if I could think of something to wind them up even more, I'd probably do that too

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