here's a post i made a couple months ago describing about 15 yrs of my married life..
Monday, morning... read text w/ kids , send them off to school, get husband off to work.. take his suit to dry cleaners on the way to service..
monday afternoon.. get home before kids, start supper, make sure laundry for tuesday night book study is done...
monday night.. study book study with kids (with or without husband), do personal bible reading, go over service notes make sure i dont have any calls i have to make tommorow..make sure dishes are done and food taken out of freezer to thaw for next couple days..
tuesday text with kids, send them off to school, get husband off to work, pick up dry cleaning.
tuesday afternoon.. go to bible study with sister needsahand... get home before kids , start supper,make snack for book study, get kids bathed for meeting make sure all the books and bibles are ready to go..
tuesday night.. do supper dishes, get kids ready, get self ready, get husband ready, HURRY UP BEFORE WE"RE LATE!!! its snack night so gotta grab the cookies i made earlier today ... sit thru hour of meeting..make sure kids comment, keep kids quiet, enjoy snacks..rush home and get cranky tired kids to do their homework and do personal bible reading, get to bed...
wed morning.. read text with kids, send them off to school, get husband off to work. go out in service..
wed afternoon.. lunch break then finish days service with back calls... get home before kids, start supper , do more laundry
wed night...(one of the following was EVERY week) help kid get talk up that you forgot to do earlier in the week, get your own talk up, get husbands talk up , study kingdom ministry with kids clean up kitchen and personal bible reading...
thursday morning .. read text with kids, send them off to school, get husband off to work , hide from the phone cuz there's too much housework to be done to go out in service today.
thursday afternoon.. get clothes laid out for meeting, gather books up,get kids bathed and keep them clean till meeting time, cook dinner
thursday night.. get kids ready, get husband ready, get self ready, go to meeting.. avoid eye contact with any sister who may be seeking out emergency householder fill in... get kids home, homework done, snack ,make sure dishes are done, personal bible reading, bed..
Friday morning .. read text with kids, send them off to schol , get husband off to work, go meet for service, get with the old ladies who just want to do an hour of return visits...
Friday afternoon, get groceries, get home before kids, read most recent watchtower and awake so i can prepare kids for family service saturday
Friday night, wait for husband to get home to figure out if he made plans you dont know of with his buddies at the hall last night.. fix supper or hurry up and get kids ready (or get babysitter) and have dinner.. get kids to do homework,make sure they're presentation is ready for service,make sure dishes are done, do personal bible reading..sleep...
saturday morning... drag kids out of bed.. NO YOU CANT WATCH CARTOONS... dress them, try to drag husband out of bed..if successful the whole family go out for morning service..if not, you take all kids out for morning service..
saturday afternoon.. get home from service, do housework, find husband and fulfill what ever plans he has..
saturday night... fix meal, feed family , do dishes ..bathe kids, lay out clothes for sunday meeting, family watchtower study (with or without husband) personal bible reading.
sunday morning.. drag everyone out of bed.. fix breakfast..get everyone ready , get to hall before meeting starts (hopefully)
sunday afternoon... meet for service, go to lunch, help husband get presentation ready quickly, go for hour of service so husband can get time in..
sunday night... get stuff ready for dry cleaners or laundry for monday, get kids ready for school, husband ready for work , personal bible reading..bed...
THEN add in a part time OR full time job for mom..still get the above done, run kids to and from their activities, be available when elders call and need you to do this or that, take care of extended family obligations , 3 assemblies a year and one or two special assembly days..2 weeks of CO visits that throw everything out of whack, memorial and help hostess elder schools, pioneer school, feed a speaker once a month, socialize somewhere..dont DARE be sick and have to play catch with sitting in meetings and assemblies being told to DO MORE, support husband who is trying to "reach out" ,and try to be submissive and STILL accomplish all the above..