Humanity is being conned.

by chaiyah 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Elsewhere

    Seems like an awful lot of people know all of the secret details of this secret conspiracy.

    If any of what you say is true then the "Illuminati" are some of the worst conspirators in history and couldn't keep a secret from a two year old.

  • JamesThomas

    Dear Emily,

    I feel you are being ganged up on here, and would like to make it clear that I agree with some of what you have to say. My feelings are that there is indeed people with great power who, all too easily, manipulate the narrow black and white thinking of the masses. To what extent that is going on, I don't know.

    My point is that your acute investigative concerns seem to be active only in the area which supports your own deluded programing. You have managed to identify and sustain the grand drama of Lucifer as ruler of the modern day world (via the Illuminati); which reinforces your programmed identification with a tribal-deity and his supposed "holy book". Here, is the trap, isn't it. You think yourself wise for you have uncovered a great lie and conspiracy -- and so to a degree you are wise -- but then you use your "wisdom" to support a far bigger lie, one that you have not allowed yourself to see. That you clearly see others being conned, has been tightly woven into your own con-job.

    You're against programing of the mind, yet how do you account for your tightly held believing that a tiny tribal war god is the source of an infinite universe(s) (there may be countless universes). Who told you the true Source and Sustenance of all existence is so foolishly creatural and diminutive; and more importantly, why do you believe it?

    This extreme act of belittling the Divine is accomplished by not questioning and so foolishly accepting beliefs and crazy programming from the past; in your words by: "attaining doctrines which do not make sense." That billions of people and their "holy" books shrink and encapsulate the Divine, does not mean you have to. There is a time to rebel. Time to investigate not just worldly political structures which support our preexisting beliefs, but to seriously inquire into all the deepest held beliefs of self, universe and reality.

    I have no desire to offend you, Emily. Just building on the theme you presented, as I feel it important.


  • loosie
    Have no fear I got my bee bee gun and a pack of silver bee bees and I'm ready for them. Bring em on!

    No no Frankiespeaking "you can't you'll shoot your eye out."

  • LittleToe

    Ironically the name "Jehovah" was invented by the Illuminati

    "Move along, nothing to see here..."

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