I feel sorry for the person with the tatoos and for his family.
Why? You're not the person or their family. My boyfriend has a full sleeve tattoo, and his family still loves him. They don't turn away repulsed everytime he sits down at the dinner table. I seriously doubt anyone would want your sympathy. I know I don't.
I do turn the other way and try not to see the programs but that is not always possible.
No....it's very possible. It's called the off button on your tv.
AS, I have expressed there is no warning beforehand. They just shove it at you as it was the most normal thing.
What? You want us to walk around with a spokes person 20 feet in front of us shouting, ''Warning!!! Warning!!! Tattooed person approaching! Please hide all women and children!!! Please cover your eyes! Warning!!!'' I'm offended by raw onions, but they still serve them in restaurants.
Years ago, a person might get a tatoo or two. Even though that offends me too. That is not so bad. But not the tatto craze that is sweeping the world. I am very hurt and offended.
Why are you hurt? Why are you offended? We still work like everyone else. We pay taxes. We DO have feelings also. I'm offended when people like you judge me for choosing to decorate MY body however I want too. If I want to go tomorrow and just cover myself from head to toe with tattoos, well then that's MY RIGHT. You don't get very far in life being close minded....and if you do, you usually don't end up with many friends.
If someone was legally vulnerable, I would sue.
You might want to start with the Polynesians. It originated from their culture. Give it a shot!
I am going to send a notice to Ebay expressing my feeling.
Good. I'm sure they'll welcome your opinion with open arms.
I have nothing against the people with the tatoos. I feel bad to see them like that.
Don't feel sorry for me. I don't want your sympathy.
No matter how pretty a woman is, I am not attrected to her to the point of feeling repulsive.
I'm sure the feeling is mutual.
I cannot accept accept tatoos.
I think we have established that.
good lord...
~luv, jojo