I like feeling whats under the tatoo
How do you feel about Tatoos?
by Fisherman 213 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's an outward, artistic expression of someone. There is nothing I would want on my body forever, so I'm without any.
Sexy--a built bicep tatted around w/tribal stuff or barbed wire.
fisherman: I am very hurt and offended.
To feel this way about what someone else has done to their body, tells me you have no sense of boundaries. There are things that are under your control, things done to you, and things that are just there. You can control the first and protest the second. For your own mental health and the safety of others, you must tolerate the third.
The serenity prayer, man. Read it and live it before you blow a gasket.
I think they are great! in many cases you can immediately decide who are the idiots in the crowd without them even opening their mouths!
Ummmm I mean:
They're great! It's a perfect way for the free-spirit individualist to express their inner self by being just like every one else.
Strike that, go with first.
When I left JWs i wanted to have naked lady tatoo on my arm (more as a sign of protest than anything), but in time came to realize that if I wanted a naked lady anywhere on my body that was definitely not a way to do it. Now, I would never do it.
Tats are evil and from the devil.
Mine is large and will eventually encompass my whole back. in the middle is a symbol of infinity or the idea that everything will come full circle. on the left is a samurai, my good samurai protecting all comers from threatening my ideal. on the left will be my bad samurai. i'm going to color them in and do background with the sky going from peaceful to ominous.
I've got 5 "tatooes" and not by choice. I had to get tatooed when I was being prepped for radiation 4 years ago. I guess I'm a real wus cause those damn needles hurt like hell. They were only one dot each but I went "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!" for each one. No frigging way would I ever get a real one.
I think one or two tatooes if they are not too big, look nice. Two of my girlfriends (ex-Dubs) have tatooes. One has Thumper on her her ass (her hubby loves it) and the other one has a mouse tatooed on her ankle and a bird on her left shoulder which looks nice. I worked with a guy years ago in the coffee shop (he was the baker and we worked graveyard together). He was hobbling around one night so I asked him what was wrong. Turned out the dummy got his dinger tatooed to say "MR. BIG" on it and it "still hurt". I laughed my ass off and offered him noooo sympathy whatsoever.
I dont let teeth that are too sharp come close to my dinger, let alone a needle attached to a gun. no freaking way.
Apostate Kate
As someone said, tatoos are artistic expression.
I feel hurt. I feel sorry for the person with the tatoos and for his family.
Are you for real?
Embrace humanity with all it's excitment and colors! People are beautiful and full of life.
I have always flirted with the idea and should go ahead and do it. I want a horse probably on my shoulder. That way when I wear a black leather halter on the motorcyle everyone can enjoy it. Maybe like a black Fresian rearing up, they are the horses the knights rode with the beautiful full mane and leg feathers...or a delicate Arabian horse.
oohh maybe a Fresian on one shoulder and an Arabian on the other!
...now where will I put the wild Mustang....
I grew up when only convicts, drunken sailors and really, really wild people got them. I don't like it when they fade with time, or how they look on aging skin.
I have only seen one tattoo that I liked a lot. A man who shopped in the shop where I worked had a crescent moon and three tiny little stars behind his ear in the space between the ear and the hairline. Tiny tattoos, artistic and well thought out are interesting.
On caucasion, white bread people, Tattoos tend to look out of place. I do kind of like Anthony Keidis' Native tattoos. Anthony doesn't look like your typical white bread guy.