For the life of me, I cannot work this one out. It disturbed me when I was a JW and it now just makes me plain angry.
Here are some comments from ministerial servants & elders on this subject, which I heard when I was in:
"You know, a while ago, people used to object to the idea of children dying at armageddon but nowadays there is a spirit in kids (massive generalisation), which just seems to make them fit for destruction. I think people see that now." Comments in brackets mine.
"They would only grow up with the characteristics of their worldly parents. There is no place for them in the new system"
"At one time children were innocent, now they are not. They have to go"
"I know. Sometimes I have wondered whether it is right for Jehovah to kill the children but we have to trust that it is the right thing to do"
Some of these comments, no doubt turn your stomach. I promise you, these are in no way exagerated. How can a human being possible continue to hold to such a vile, ignorant, cruel belief? We all probobly have families that believe that bullshit too. Doesnt it infuriate you?
In the above comments we see no room for compassion, for the thought of trying to readjust 'erring' youths. Just death. Thats it! That will sort out the problems! They deserve it!
FFS man. What cruel, heartless bastards they really are.