No I understand the site and all. And they have caused me more grief and problems for me than you can imagine. But that doesn't mean the polar opposite course that "apostates" cling to is right.
A df''d jw was in today and very depressed
by hambeak 14 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Drew you're correct about the mind control aspect I will try as you have recommended
deaconbluez: But that doesn't mean the polar opposite course that "apostates" cling to is right.
There is a misconception evidenced in this statement. "Apostates" (meaning those Jehovah's Witnesses label apostates) don't adhere to any particular course, certainly not one that is polar opposite to JWs course.
Among "apostates" you will find every course clung to by someone. JWs like to delude themselves into believing they know the "type" of what constitutes an apostate, but they are kidding themselves. They also think of apostates as organized but the nearly total absence of organization was one of the biggest surprises I found on exiting.
Really, the only thing "apostates" have in common is a recognition of and rejection of dogma that is not founded on reasonable bases. For some "apostates", such basis would be the Scriptures—and there are plenty of JW doctrines that either directly contradict the Scriptures or have no basis in Scripture. For others, reasonable basis would be logic and scientifically verifiable facts. But the resulting rejection of the dogma is the same.
But even these do not fill out the group you have found here. Quite a few knowledgable and voluminous posters here have never been JWs, but are affected by JWs in some way. Or, in the case of Qcmbr, are simply curious about JWs and the similarities between the JW mindset and the mindset of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
The course I "cling" to is the course of active discovery of truth, wherever that leads me. In my experience, in terms that can be correctly applied to the majority of JWD posters, that "course" best describes the course of most of the posters I have found here.
If that is what you meant by the "course that 'apostates' cling to", I can agree that most "apostates" cling to that course. But I would need you to please explain how that course is not right.
AuldSoul -
Right now this man is in the SAME bowl of soup as most of us on this board. With the JWs there is only THEM and everybody else out there. So nobody needs to drag this guy to our "cause"...he's here whether he wants to be or not and soon his daughter will be too. He might as well talk to someone who CAN talk to him and CAN understand what he is going through. Not only is the depression rate high amongst JWs but the suicide rate as well. He needs to know he isnt alone in this.
Whatever his plans are, to live with this woman and hence never go back or to marry her, wait 6 months and then try for reinstatement he might as well learn who those people are who just kicked him unceremoniously to the curb.
Besides which if we had a "cause" why would we be wasting our time on here with all these EXJWS? Thats like preaching to the choir dontcha think?
A new customer was in the shop today, he saw the insight books on a table and we got to talking.
hambeak, do you leave the literature around as a possible conversation starter so you can give the person info on how dangerous the jw are? If so, that's brilliant. I wish my situation allowed that. Since the local hypocracy don't know me, maybe I should start a study to try and teach a thing or two. Hmmm, now you have me thinking....