Witness mother's and jealousy towards their daughters...

by kittyeatzjdubs 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • penny2

    Can't believe some of you had such horrible mothers! My mum is adorable (except when she's crying that I am no longer a jw).


  • Abaddon

    It's a parent's job to make their kids feel beautiful (whilst also making sure they actually make the best of what they've got).

    I think jealousy is often an issue; some women can't stand their daughters being sexual beings or attracting comment. Power is another; keep someone down and you are in control.

    I think a good rebuttal of something like that would be "Thanks mum; come back to me when you don't have a face that looks like a bulldog licking piss of a nettle". Shame we can never think of them at the time...

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I wonder if some parents that insult and belittle their children do so from a misguided idea of discouraging vanity? Just a thought.

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