How is the Society getting around this....."Those that saw all these things, will not pass away before the end comes."...Seems to me, those that saw the events of 1914 are getting pretty long in the tooth.
How are they getting around this???...
by Justice-One 16 Replies latest jw experiences
I take if you haven't read the 1995 WT explaining the "adjustment" in the understanding of "generation"?
Isn't that the "generation change"?
"adjustments" my eye.
what a bunch of crap (oops, did I type that out loud?)
Say does anyone have a link to that article? I'd rather like to see how they worded their "adjustment"
Baba -
I don't think it was ever actually explained. The only thing that happened was that the Bros opened up their 10/95 WT and the intro was different.
Sure you could question it, but they'll DF you if you don't accept the "new-light" proviso.
Frannie Banannie
THE GB SINGS THE SONG THAT THE SLEAZY POLITICIAN IN "THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" SANG................... "ooooooooooooo, I love to dance a little side-step. Now they see me, now they don't. I've come and gone.........and oooooooooooo, I love to sweep around the wide-step, cut a little swath and lead the people on.........."
I take if you haven't read the 1995 WT explaining the "adjustment" in the understanding of "generation"?
Yes, I did. I didn't understand it then, and I don't now.
Justice One,
They seem to be totally ignoring that scripture. The latest about this "generation" that I could find on the Watchtower website was this (two parter -- have to click on "next" to read the WT BS explanation):
I went back and dug into my bound volumes (stacked in a spare room because I was going to get rid of them). I found the 1995 Watchtower articles changing the "light" on "generation" and reread them. They don't make any more sense to me now than they did then.
I started college in January 1996 (at the age of 43). I'm sure that, on an unconscious level at least, I was looking for some sort of reasoning that made sense.
After all, I had spent my entire life telling people that "this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" and applying it to people alive in 1914. I really couldn't explain the "new light" -- it just didn't make sense.
Took quite a few more years for me to recognize the whole scam for what it is.
Only thing that occurs to me -- the new people don't know about the conflict. They just know what they have been taught. Many of the "oldsters" are departing (witness the large numbers on boards like this). So I guess that is how they are getting away with it.
The only explanation I remember hearing about the "delay" of the "end of the system of things" was that we should not be like Jonah who complained when Nineveh was not destroyed after he was told to prophesy that destruction. I don't know if they are still applying that or not, but if the "belly of the whale" analogy was fulfilled in 1918 with the imprisonment of the GB, it's been a pretty long d**n time delayed.
My personal take -- the house of cards will fall down. After reporting on here about two congregations in my area being downsized to one, I learned that that has happened in other places in Kentucky too. And I learned that at least one of the congregations in question was eliminated because almost all of the "elders" had to be removed for wrongdoing of LONG STANDING.
So it should be easier now for people with eyes to see that the WTS is NOT directed by Holy Spirit nor are the elders appointed by Holy Spirit.
"Religion is a snare and a racket" -- indeed. The JW religion, anyway.
They changed the generation teaching in 1995, but there was a post the other day about an article in the December awake that makes no reference at all to 1914
Maybe they are trying to distance themselves from that teaching even more, and doing it in stages so thet the dubs don't notice.
A Paduan
It works like this - tangeble promises (1914 generation) and threats (big a soon) make for willing workers
Poorly chosen false promises (time limited ones, eg. 1914 generation) require adjustment and necessary backflips in the refinement of a new improved sales pitch. That which becomes indefensible bu//$h!t becomes a liability (such as a 6000 year old planet concept).
The witnesses to the bu//$h!t fall into different camps
- the independent thinker questions and calls the "truthsayers" to answer - this camp must be eliminated or they will infect the other camps, and potentially new camps - the final solution; dfing and labelling cuts off the contact, and threats keep other camps from listening - it has been said that if times were different members of this camp would probably "taken out the back and stoned"
- those who stick to the company people sell their souls at the behest of the company, keep their investment promise option and simply shut up - they pretend it didn't happen or move onto the mentality of 'it was nothing, you should get over it' - all this is concealed from newbies and independent thinking is shunned - the term "the right stuff" doesn't really describe this camp
- there is another camp that pretends to agree with the company, the luke warm, who admit something is up but remain shut up about it - the company is always suspicious and inquisitive regarding this camp as these members may at anytime take on "the right stuff" and be very problematic
It only takes a short time to pass before the company people totally marginalise all mention of the known bu//$h!t, the faster and further distanced they get from it, the better for their ethos and the better palalable their new meal.