Duck and cover. the same as they have always done. Anyone that calls previous doctrin into question, gets to join us here.
How are they getting around this???...
by Justice-One 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Very simply -
"The light gets brighter."
To any reasoning person such a change is clear evidence that the WTS never knew what it was talking about, to a JW their mind control ensures they will accept any bogus thing that comes out in a Watchtower.
Well they must be thumping the bible hard about something or some date coming soon because I was just at a JW funeral and one of the crazies came up to me and said “are you strong?” and I said “no” and she looked aghast and grabbed me by the shoulders and said “it is VERY important that you become active again because this is a VERY exciting time and things are going to start happening and SOON.”
Same crap hash re-heated and served on a clean plate.
Usual Story,
Make a tub-thumping prediction, back it up with fear and misery at the prospect of an uncertain future, wait until the non-fulfilment is so obvious as to be an embarrassment, then pull a new reinterpreted reinterpretation of an old interpretation out of the hat(behind the distracting rabbit) and say
"NOO LITE!!" What are you talking about - are you calling us liars, or worse FALSE PROFITS?
We never said those things - you made up false expectations yourself, or Satan (see the 1925 WTs) put it in your heart to expect these things.
Are any of your fambly witlesses? Good - we'll hold them hostage unless you stop telling the troof about our lies.
Same crap hash re-heated and served on a clean plate.
Yup, sure is! BUT....the gravy is getting really hard, and the potatoes are starting to turn green.
There's a major flaw in the doctrinal change that came in 1995 that Witnesses do not like to examine very closely. While they changed what the idea of a "generation" is, (giving it a meaningless interpretation), they still teach that 1914 was the beginning of The Last Days. Therefore, the scripture "...when you see these things start to occur (the beginning of The End), lift your heads up, as your deliverance is getting near..." should logically, apply to those who saw "these things start to occur" in 1914. If Jesus was only talking about the "contemporaries" of an unspecified generation, then who exactly was it that saw "these things start to occur"?
Ask a loyal Dub this question, and they'll probably point at you and start yelling "She's witch!!"