Who the hell really cares about this celeb crapola anyway????
lol, I feel the same way. IMO this is a combo publicity $tunt to improve his public image $o he can $ell more movie ticket$, and a way for him to recruit new member$ into his cult.
Tom used to live in my neighborhood (when he was a kid), and that is barely mentioned around here. When he was popular, everyone would talk about him being from here, but since the Scientology stuff has become more prominent in his life, it's an unspoken rule that we cannot mention Tom lived here! We talk a lot more about Harriet Tubman living here than we do Tom Cruise. Surprising in a society so obsessed with movie stars.
Interesting stuff on www.factnet.org (an anti-cult organization started by ex-Scientologists who successfully sued the cult):
Tom Cruise Wedding gets Darker: Is Tom “Paying” Brook Shields to Attend as Damage Control?
What is Brooke Shields thinking by attending this ceremony? Ugh.
Is Tom Cruise’s Weekend Wedding just A New Scheme for Recruiting Celebrities into his Nefarious Scientology Cult?
Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes Wedding Darkened by their not-so-invisible Satanic Cult’s Presence?
Here is the thread I started over there to ask about the vows. No one has responded yet, but it does seem to be a fairly slow moving forum: http://www.factnet.org/cgi-bin/discus/discus.cgi I seriously hope we can hear more details about their views on women.