Tomorrow's the day

by BlackSwan of Memphis 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Ok well tomorrow is the day.

    She has to be there at 7:30 and the surgery is scheduled for 9:00 am. Her cardiologist cleared her for the surgery on Friday.

    My husband called my sister (the pregnant one) and left a message telling her what's up. He also left his number with her (cell phone) and said she was welcome to call.

    Ya guys, if they can't call, if she can't call, about my daughter, if they take it this far.....I just dont' think I could forgive them.

    Anyways, if you can keep Hannah in your thoughts and prayers I would appreciate it. Thanks, I'll let ya know what happens. I'm sure it'll be ok, this is pretty standard stuff, still...ya know..



  • fullofdoubtnow


    I will be thinking of you and your daughter tomorrow. I hope all goes well.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    (((Meagan, hubby & Hannah)))

    Praying that the surgery goes well and that recovery is speedy.

  • crazyblondeb

    I didn't have my tonsils out till 17, and that was hell. My jw parents wouldn't have it done. After I moved in with my real dad, got it done. They were ALWAYS swollen, and infected!!

    I've helped in alot of those surgeries. They are a piece of cake!! She should get to go home after a few hours. You both are in my thoughts and prayers!!



  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Thanks for the well wishes, they are really appreciated.

    My brother in law just called back, , he spoke with my husband they had a good conversation and some things came up.

    But he (they) are really concerned about Hannah and he wants my husband to call him back tomorrow after the surgery.

    I feel better about that end of things. That helps in a lot of ways. Perhaps it will open up some dialog.

    Thank You for your thoughts

  • jwfacts

    I hope all goes well with the operation.

    It is good that the family called. I have chipped away at my family with situations like this and they are becoming more receptive to some contact. I just recommend you keep the conversations light so that they feel comfortable keeping in touch.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    It is good that the family called. I have chipped away at my family with situations like this and they are becoming more receptive to some contact. I just recommend you keep the conversations light so that they feel comfortable keeping in touch.

    I think you are absolutely right about keeping those conversations light. I was a little annoyed about a couple of things that got said and my first reaction was for my husband to have a response tomorrow, but then I thought, no, that just isn't going to help and it won't accomplish anything other then making for more problems.

    I hope that you are able to continue making progress with your family!!

    In the end I suppose what we all want are intact families with love and support. ((((hugs))) to you and your family.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hello dear one:

    My prayers are with you and Hannah and Terry.. If you need help, let me know. I'm not doing anything tomorrow.. Will she come home the same day? Hannah is a sweet girl. I will definately say a good prayer as soon as I'm off this thang.

    Love and hugs...

  • Abandoned

    Good luck.

  • penny2

    All the best for tomorrow, BlackSwan!


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